right, it is everyone else. The great "other". Windsparrow, the WestPoint thing would not work on them is my bet, these guys strike me from the comments as ones to see that as elitist, rich people getting stuff for free that they could pay for.
one overheard statement was that 90% of the armed forces disabilities are probably being faked because it is so easy to get the money for it and why work when you can go get on disability.
whether I agree with the various wars we have started or enter is not the point. we need to financially support veterans and their families, period. Not to do so is a complete abrogation of our responsibility as citizens.
There may be a tiny fraction who exaggerate their disabilities, but given how behind the VA is in distributing funds for vets, I don't think anyone is getting a windfall. Do these chowderheads know how much $$ vets actually get?
On the larger applying-for-disability front, the recent This American Life on that was interesting, I thought. It took forever for the person doing to story to realize that if you can't do physical labor (or stand all day for your job), there are a lot of places where you effectively can't work. So physical problems that she wouldn't have thought made a person fully disabled do, in their world. One woman being interviewed said her dream job was the person who approves (or not) the disability claims -- because that was the only person she knew who sat at a desk all day to do their job.
We have lost power in our office. laptop on battery, but we cannot print our shipping tickets. I want to go home, but was told no. meaniheads.
We have lost power in our office.
this is what happens when people complain about military benefits.
SOPHIA. Scroll down to see that Matthew Gray Gubler is apparently dating Taylor Swift???? [link]
Ditched work early. Told boss it was cramps. Didn't feel like going into that it was the other crap that comes with that time of the month: inexplicable depression. And work was void of any coworkers to talk to in order to distract myself. Thought about going to a movie, but figured I'd hate it given the mood I'm in.
It didn't help that the first thing I saw when I got in was one of the planters torn apart, and it was very much
deer damage.
Vandalism comes to town! And at the doctor's office the evening before there was anti-semitic gang tags on the wall of the stairs.
To be fair, I would probably stalk Matthew Gray Gubler on Facebook if I could.