the entire male component of the wedding party from groom on down watched Youtube videos on how to tie a bow tie.
Hey, it's tricky! I just did the YouTube thing while tying Bobby's bow tie for prom. It was a 3 person affair. Bobby being tied, Dad running the pause play button on YouTube and Mom tying.
Work gossip - my old annoying co-worker/nemesis major cause of stress and negativity. She got fired today.
Ooh, sweet schadenfreude, msbelle.
Send her a "Thinking of you" card.
OMG, msbelle. That's karma. I think she got exactly what she deserved.
Had great convo with new boss last night. Hammered everything out. I was supposed to see the offer letter today, along with instructions for the drug testing. Nothing in my inbox as of yet. Do I ping him and ask where it's at, or do I let it go until tomorrow? I can't give notice until I take the drug test.
I love Matt's idea. What was the firing for? Any idea?
No idea. I am being a bad human and trying to get all the gossip.
I mean the Jackhole boss is still there, but man am I glad she is gone.
It's after 5; I'd ping him tomorrow.
And karma IS a bitch. So many people need her lessons SO BADLY. I'm glad she got hers.