I think it was good for my mother to see her so peaceful
It probably really was. For everyone involved the peace was good.
Okay, I have basically worked my ass off, so I'm going to see if it's made it down to the car. I didn't even *realise* I missed lunch today. Doing what? Replaying an hour meeting and taking notes for the second time because I was paranoid about the quality of the first and the ensuing meeting minutes.
But this third presentation will have to wait.
I'm sorry for your loss, Jesse.
I'm glad it was a good day for your mom.
Seems like a perfectly normal conversation to have, taking care of practicalities that you can actually do something about, keep moving (edited to complete the thought I thought I had typed.)
I think it was good for my mother to see her so peaceful
That's a really good thing. Also, what sara said.
Is it wrong that I find Duck Dynasty sort of delightful?
I would hug you people. But am more pleased than ever that I took a public no-hugging stand at work!
The Duck Dynasty family seems to be real-life nice, anyway. I have my perverse love for Inkmaster, so I'm not about to judge.
Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post? Wow.
I am so sorry, Jesse. So much love and light to your family.
wow Jesse. That was quick. Warm thoughts to you and your family.
94 is a lot of years to live, especially with such loving family.
That's the end everyone wants, right? Peaceful and with your family and after a long life.
Non-invasive virtual hugs.