Heh, no. 5mg.
May I please have hairpats and soothing noises? My Impostor Syndrome and my issues (library of issues, really) about my being responsible for taking care of All The Things collided kind of spectacularly last night, leading to a rather big meltdown. My eyes were still so swollen this morning that I couldn't apply liquid liner.
Ugh. Good thing therapy is on Monday, because hoo-boy, do I have stuff to talk about.
Ugh, I hate those nights, Jilli. Here, have a cup of chocolate tea and a cupcake.
You are not an imposter, Jilli. That library of issues lies.
Here is how I know you're not an impostor:
Who could you possibly impersonate? I suppose you could take a crack at Robert Smith, but you'd break into giggles and the smeared lipstick would drive you bonks.
You're Jilli, you're the only one who could possibly be you, and you're the best at it in every single way.
I really, really need to reduce inflammation in my body. Turmeric, eh? Must research.
In totally shallow news, I must share my joy that Cagney has almost calmly lasted through 5 human therapy sessions in a row. I can't even say how happy this makes me.
I'm not going to count any unhatched poultry but I suddenly have hope I've not had in 15 months.
Bless the little bugger.
Stephan, my nutritionist friend says to avoid food from the nightshade family (peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant) because they promote inflammation.
When I have potassium deficiency muscle cramps, I can plow through 4 of the little cans in a six-pack before I taste the weird juice-in-a-can metalic taste.
Huh. Does the taste mean you have enough potassium? Because I always taste that, which is why I don't drink V8 or tomato juice from the cans anymore. I do like V8 juice, though.
my nutritionist friend says to avoid food from the nightshade family (peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant) because they promote inflammation.
I've heard that too, but I think (IANAD) it varies with the person. I definitely get a mild inflammation response from eating potatoes; I can feel it happening in my face. My face feels hot and swollen and my sinuses slam shut. But I have no problems with tomatoes or peppers. I don't eat eggplant.
Fish oil is supposed to reduce inflammation too.
Raw tomatoes either taste metallic or are far too bitter or acidic. Peppers cause my lungs to seize up. Eggplant is icky. Potatoes are of the gods and I would weep greatly if they were denied me.