No -- we thought there would be a meeting today, but they decided not to have one. Which is frustrating, because you know the way offices work -- each person knows a little bit of information that another person didn't know, but no one really knows the whole scope of the thing. So a meeting would maybe have given us a clearer idea of what's going on.
The purchasing company signed a letter of intent to buy (but I don't "officially" know that, because I heard it from a co-worker, not Big!Boss or CFO), so based on that, it seems like a done deal. I'm not actually waiting to find out *IF* we're being bought; I just want to know what kind of time frame we're working with before we're out.
Plus I have jury duty starting June 3. Awesome.
You can talk about your problems here Steph no matter what size they are. It's enormously stressful to be suddenly confronted with job uncertainty when you are in the midst of a major life change, and marriage is wonderful, but it's a big life change.
I think "gibbering, roll-on-the-floor, frothing panic" would be my reaction of choice in your circumstances, Teppy.
That's a lot.
Just take it day by day.
Job stuff is big! Especially not knowing -- that's the kind of stuff that drives me insane. Once I know, I can figure out how to deal.
Teppy, what Dana said. Job uncertainty is right up there on the list of major life stressors and so is getting married. You have a lot going on. It makes sense that you'd be anxious.
I'm working at the library bookstore tonight. I'm actually here when it is open selling books to people, instead of just shelving when it is closed. Apparently I still have customer service skills. Who knew.
Job stuff is huge! And I've been laid off when I knew it was coming and it still was shocking and distressing and stressful!
I don't know if this helps but: since layoffs seem close to certain, you could get your resume in order if you have not already.If that is done you could start a job search. Depends on your personality. For some people taking action helps; for others it would only add to the stress and they are better off waiting until the layoff. You know better than I which type you are.
Also you need to decide on job search paramters. For example I gather hubbie-to-be's job is a good one, so you can't even consider offers outside commuting distance of his current job.