le n, thank you for your offer. It's a financial aid issue that snowballed from the misinformation I got and rolled downhill into now we don't have means to move, either.
What do I want to do for food?
I'm having bad pizza, candy, and cigarettes. I'd have some sort of drink, but I have no liquor.
Pizza it is, then. I have cigarettes, but no candy.
The computer will not allow me to shove Mike & Ikes through the CD drive.
depending on what institution you are talking about, campus offices offer emergency funds. these pots of money may be hidden here and there, but you may want to investigate this. You may be able to solve a couple of your financial problems through the college/U.
but let me back off. do let me know if I can be helpful.
No worries, honey. I know you're trying to help and you have knowledge of this. Thank you. I do, truly, appreciate it.
I told Joe I wouldn't contact Eastern to formally withdraw until Friday to give it some time for ... a miracle, I guess. Maybe I'll feel better and will want to try to engage in solutioning.
But truly, thank you.
Oh, Aims, I'm so sorry. Obviously, but feel free to call, etc.
I'm so sorry, Aimee.
And that sucks, Sean. I'm sorry.
Anybody want most of a bottle of champagne? My head is already starting to hurt. Stoopid not drinking very much any more.
Fuckity fuck, stuff is not going well for many of my beloved Bitches. Do not like! Empress, my love, I'm sorry the Universe seems to be shitting on you right now. I've sent it to its room without dinner and to think about what it's done, and hope that it thinks better of being such an asshole.
Pix, hon, fuck BoA with a rusty chainsaw. I have loathed them for ages, and what they've done to you and ND and Laura and so many other homeowners is beyond vile.
Sean, I hope you found something yummy to go along with your booze! It's not a reflection on your awesomeness, it's a reflection of the shit economy and the even shittier state of arts funding. Remember, you have people asking for you specifically to work on their shows. You are talented and respected.
le n is a fabulous badass. Pass it on.
WRT to the argument that "religious people aren't as smart," so clearly horseshit. There's a reason that in my dating profile on OKC it says that "I don't play well with fundamentalism of any stripe, and that includes militant atheists."
The appropriate follow-up might be, "well, I've never seen it ... should I open him up and look?"
"if I have to shank him myself."
Heh. Frankly, I'd prefer to never be within shanking distance again. Or shouting distance.
I just fed Tom and Nora's kitties and they have either 1) finally decided I'm a decent human or 2) are just that desperate for lovies because they are both all up in my grill. They aren't usually that aggressively affectionate.