Entitledness just needs silence to feed it, really.
Exactly, which leads to the phenomenon Aimee described.
My "Tribe" had a prominent member who was so ridiculously late to everything that people would lie to her about when events were supposed to start. They lied on the off chance that she might mistakenly NOT be hours late.
Everyone 'joked' about it, calling it K-time and rolling their eyes.
When I chose to confront her, it was shocking how quickly the folks who bitched behind her back disappeared.
In the end, the disrespect of wasting people's time boiled over into lots of other negative situations. It was sad.
Fuck me with a spoon if I don't hate people who didn't mean any harm (or anything by it). People who were just trying to help when they did something that messed you up, yes, I grit my teeth and bear it unless it does harm me.
But I try to be not "that's just ita !" and I want when I mean to do harm to look
different from when I don't. Just sayin'.
I know I fail--but I'm working on it, and I hope I'm improving.
Sometimes I get really mad at the "it's just his way!" people.
Only thing is, I can't decide if it's cause the way they act is really beyond the pale, or if I'm just pissed that nobody issued me a similar, lifelong pass.
ETA: Even people who do mean harm, don't generally cop to it.(In my experience, anyway)
I tried to post a joke from the movie theater, but auto-correct ruined it. So, here we go.
Don't touch Joey's food!
t /Friends
or if I'm just pissed that nobody issued me a similar, lifelong pass.
I have to cop to this one too.
it was shocking how quickly the folks who bitched behind her back disappeared
Ooooh...I hate being thrown under the bus at work, but hey. It's work. Don't stand near to the bus.
Socially, however? Spittingly mad.
Sometimes I get really mad at the "it's just his way!" people.
The last time someone said this to me, I replied that my way was to get damn pissed off about his way. 'Cause let's face it--if they get a "way," so do we.
I know a guy from volunteering who I've nicknamed "douchetastic." His friends in the group excuse his behavior and say, "he has a good heart." My comeback was, "well, I've never seen it." I've only seen him be abrasive, entitled, and lazy as shit while taking credit for others' work. The first time my sister met him, he went on a massive rant about Roy Williams (college basketball coach, "betrayed" Kansas by taking the job at UNC), disparaging his character, calling him a liar, and something about the blood of the righteous flowing in the streets, IDEK. He finally walked away and my sister looked at the rest of us and asked brightly, "Can I set him on fire?" And she's not even a Carolina fan.
He is slightly more aware than I'd given him credit for, though. My sister gave him a look for some dumbass remark, and he said, "Don't give me that look. That's the look your sister gives me."
If it quacks like an asshole...