Thanks, Sue. That highlights the difficulty of knowing what you're getting. I had no idea with Java that he would turn out to be such a remarkable cat. Got lucky.
My friend's point is that she knows the lineage of these cats, and they've been really good cats, so it's more than a roll of the dice.
My friends joke that I run a hostel, I always have someone staying here who needs a place. The friend who's been staying here thru an ugly divorce and possible foreclosure made other plans for house sitting from May through October, when I couldn't commit to anything because of Java.
I know my sister will be here part of the summer and fall, so we just have to figure out when.
Friend emailed, I'm quitting the Hard Sell just get in touch with me if you want to see the kittens. Yay, relieves the pressured feeling.
My sister suggested getting a toy that Lily could snuggle up to when I'm not here, meaning a stuffed animal. Said it worked for her scared, rescued from a puppy mill, little dog after she adopted her. It's impossible to be with them 24 hours a day. I was pretty close to it with Java the last 6 months, usually only away for two to four hours every day.
I have two pet blood glucose test meters, and one of them, I accidentally set to a 10 a.m. alarm. I've gotten used to it!
Typical tl;dr.
I'm just so completely out of spoons. I'm feeling guilty for even asking him to do that.
Do not feel guilty over asking for help. You can't wait until you collapse from exhaustion. ltc and TCG both need you whole and healthy.
It's the sensible, responsible thing to do to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. I was the nanny, not the mom, but I know that I was the relief for the parents. Our local regularly has posts about nanny sharing, would something like that be helpful maybe?
I honestly don't know what I need right now beyond a way to stop crying before my inlaws show up.
There are only 5 people in my entire town registered for nextdoor, and I'm not sure I could afford a nanny share anyway. Yesterday was such a good day. I got so much done and was feeling good. What the hell is wrong with me?
Good days and bad days does not mean anything is wrong with you. We all get overwhelmed. I hope you and TCG can come up with some workable plan for recharging time. Toddlers are exhausting!!
good days and bad days happen. For lots of reasons.
I'm waffling on whether I should apply for the library position, it's part time and no insurance and I need to get anything with insurance.
I need some advice about my resume--
I worked at the petstore for about 4 months, should I include that or not?
Does it have stuff that would be applicable to the job you're applying for? If not, there's no reason you can't leave it off.
I'd done pretty much everything before, I'll leave it off.
TCG is just leaving work now. He's usually home already. I guess I can't get mad because he had to move a meeting so he could have tomorrow off, but it would have been nice to have some notice.