I found some navy beans, I had cooked down zucchini, onions and garlic in various dried herbs. I cut up some celrey and added it to the white beans and cooked that, with more thyme and oregano and it tasted so good! I didn't have anything to really make it saucy though.. not good olive oil, no ricotta, so I ended up putting in a jar of tomato sauce and killed all the lovely flavors I had. And it was sooo sweet, I was able to temper that some but eh.
Since I can eat tomatoes again Iv'e been eating it more and realizing that.. I don't actually like certain things, it's too much and dominates everything.
Anyway I'm going to try pasta with just the vegggies and ricotta anotther time
My goal for the evening - get the one homework assignment that MUST be done today accomplished and then I'm crawling in bed. I have a ton of other stuff to do, but I'm running on fumes.
I'm hiding current event and poltical stuff on FB again.
Things I've done that have made me feel better: made major steps in organization, found my roku stick and the remote, found 3 things to get rid of, took a book back to my therapist, found 3 more of his I forgot I had , I've made cooked almost everyday. The ADD meds are working. Also even though I feel anxious I'm aware of how I'm feeling and that these feelings are not true. That's not helping me go away but I know this will pass.
Well, my thumb had been getting better, but now it's getting worse again. Ow. Lots of ow.
Also, I think I picked out a wheelchair to get. I've been missing way too much stuff that I wanted to do, because I couldn't stand or walk enough. [link]
Hil, I'm sorry about the thumb, I hope your doctor can help. The wheelchair sounds like a good idea. Will you paint flames along the side of it?
One of the roofers keeps hammering "shave and a haircut". I've gotten used to the random pounding over the last three days, but having my brain go "two bits!" every 30 seconds is going to drive me mad.
That wheelchair looks both stable and convenient. Sorry that the thumb fix isn't working.
The seat cover on the wheelchair is removable, so I might get some different fabrics and make a few colorful ones.
Just one more week until the end of the semester. Well, then finals after that. Then teaching statistics all summer, which I really should have started prepping for earlier, since I haven't taught statistics before.
Just one more week until the end of the semester. Well, then finals after that.
Dang, seriously? Are exams over before the beginning of May?
That is a sweet looking wheelchair!
Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Myself, I will likely be working all day, hopefully taking a break for some food with my neighborfam (DJ's aunt and uncle). Grind grind blah. Anxiety is high today, here's hoping I can keep it at bay enough to remain functional. I have an estimate that is way behind to get out, those infernal shutters to scrape, and my quarterly taxes to pay. And I need to do laundry and make some food. Hahahhhaha ::sobs::