I tried a high protein zero carb cat food from the list, worried they wouldn't eat it... all three gobbled it down and walked away licking whiskers. Success is sweet.
Just beware if you're cats are on the chubby side. The same amount food usually is much higher in calories. Poor Oz is on an all-protein hypo-allergenic diet right now, and it's almost double the calorie count of his last food. It's a really struggle between keeping him satiated and not letting him gain any more weight. (He's 23 lbs.)
When I was in college, one of the boys was worried about his cat, since it had gotten quite pudgy. He tried cutting back on the amount of food, but kitty kept putting on weight.
Turned out he was catching and eating moles, mice, and other little furry things ... and the exercise wasn't offsetting the additional food. The groundskeepers were happy, though.
Thanks for the link, Hil. I'll check that out when I need a new one.
This morning's adventures in parenting"
ltc: Dada?
Me: Dada's at work.
ltc: Nonni coming?
Me: Nonni's not coming today.
ltc: Poppy Nana.
Me: Poppy and Nana aren't coming today. It's just Mama today.
Such a look of disappointment on ltc's face.
Yes, with toddlers just about anyone is more fun than Mom. I remember that one very well!
So therapy was interesting, hard to stay on topic today. Although it's kind of hard to stay on topic all the time. My therapist wants me to look into applying for disability, well he mentioned that last week and we talked about it more. I'm not sure if I have a chance or if it's worth it.
Such a look of disappointment on ltc's face.
I felt so bad yesterday playing with my friend's 6-year-old, because my friend was exhausted and short on patience, thus making Auntie Mel so much more fun than Mommy. Poor Mommy gets such a bad rap. {{sj}}
Continued ~ma for Mom, please. Surgery tomorrow - a vein bypass to try to get improved blood flow down to her foot. The toes will be wait-and-see. Only 2 small incisions for the bypass, which is a huge relief in terms of healing, but it's still a bigger deal surgery than just the toes would have been. I was worried that there would be a wound from harvesting the vein to graft, but none of her others are good enough candidates, so they're using cadaveric tissue. Which I think is pretty awesome, but I think I won't bring up dead people parts around my mom.
eta: Also some show-your-face-you-dumb-cat-ma, if you please. I haven't seen the cat in a couple of days. Which isn't completely unheard of, since she doesn't like me and I've barely been home. But I am starting to be concerned that she's not just hiding, she got out and hasn't found her way back in.
Mom~ma and cat~ma for you, Epic.
Much ~ma for both Mom and cat, Epic.
Thanks, all. The dumb cat did finally make an appearance on the front porch last night. I think she's found an escape route in the garage somewhere so she'll come and go as she pleases until I find it. I just really didn't want to upset Mom that much more that she was gone.
Waiting with Mom to get taken back to surgery now.