Man, my improv class's end-of-session performance is tonight, and this cold/sinus infection is really hanging on (combined with a headache that wants to be a migraine), and I am not feeling like performing. I'm just trying to remind myself that the performance for my last session was the day after the election, when I thought I wouldn't be able to even function, but in the end, I showed up and was present and performed (though, to be fair, I *also* had a visit from Liese and dinner with her and Hil to look forward to, and seeing them was a HUGE boost to my mood despite the fact that our electoral system imploded the day before).
So if I can do that, I can do this. But I'm putting in a request to the universe that all future performances find me in robust good health and no emotional trauma. Sheesh.
You have to suffer for art, or something?
Thanks for the tech-ma. Long standing computer problem was really the monitor failing(although, like dentists, tech guys always gotta hit you with how it's not getting any younger and so forth...sigh.) But for the moment, I am back in business.
I persevered over this weird illness and my class performance was great. But now I think I might go to bed. Sheesh.
Yay for functional electronics!
It is good to hear that you were able to get to class, Teppy. No doubt you would have regretted missing it. Yay!
Glad electronics are functioning and the improv went well.
I had a nice time with EG. We went thrifting and he found a never used Nespresso with extra cartridges for $8
billytea, I'm sorry to inform you of the death of a fellow Australian.
Whoa - that fish was born 1 year before my dad and 3 years before my mom.
I have a frightening amount of Hulk raaaaaaaaaaage after today's therapy session. I'm trying to assuage it with sushi.
Sushi sounds good. We'll if you like sushi.
I got a ninja period during therapy. For thr past year it's started between the 27th and 1st. With a week of cravings for chocolate and cheeto puffs. Stupid February.
Also therapy related. I got my Myers Briggs career test results back. I should be a librarian. Under the "most attractive job families" I score 100 out of 100 for education library science and training.
It was also the highest individual job followed by photographer and translator.
I'm a INFJ who is Artistic, Conventional/practical and a very low risk taker.
And I have no idea what to do with these results. I need to figure out how to take the results and use them to figure out some career I'd enjoy that doesn't require extensive educational background