That's awesome Laura!
So I am learning to be spontaneous.. Engineer Guy had a surprise for me - two nights at the B & B we stayed at. Tomorrow and Tuesday night. I only had to shuffle one thing around. I kind of feel that we should just be going on regular dates like ..bowling or something (he doesn't like to go to movie theaters so no movie dates) but this is fun. And I'm feeling wooed and swept off my feet but in a good way.
This is mean, but when I call my best friend, I want her to talk to me, not sidetrack into a conversation with her (19 year old) daughter in the middle of my sentence. This happens almost every time I call her, and it's really frustrating.
Enjoy, askye!
Not mean at all, Zen. Reasonable. If there isn't blood or smoke involved there shouldn't be interruptions.
eta: grammar
We also sang around the bonfire each night as a couple women brought instruments. There were ~140 women from all over and it was fun to meet them. The coolest ever was a 'balance' service animal for one woman. 156 pound dane of some sort who was so attentive and capable.
Awww, my friend from Kenyon, Kristen, helps train Great Danes for this service. And she named one of the puppies after Emmett! So imagine Emmett as a gigantic black and white floppy eared Great Dane.
I can imagine that! Though an orangey brindle would be even more on point.
I didn't know that Great Danes did that - how cool!
My mother just told me that my aunt told her that my cousin got "very upset" that I had posted a picture on Facebook of us when we were little kids and tagged most of the people in the photo, and said "and David who doesn't want to be tagged," because he was in the photo and had said he didn't want to be tagged in photos. I posted that photo three years ago. I am so confused.
Someone wasn't paying attention three years ago, clearly.
sumi, this is where Emmett-the-Dog came from: [link]
Loving their instagram feed!