Oh, yay, Empress.
I hate when customers ask me "why is it doing that?" I don't know, it does, and this is the way we've found out that fixes it. "But this computer is identical the other computer, and the other computer doesn't do it." It's not identical! It may be something as miniscule as the bad computer got too close to a magnetic field. I am not a programmer, I am tech support! I have no problem blaming programmers.
Aims is a good egg, indeed!!!
we do that because we don't get it, Connie. Also, I always think I broke it.
Sounds like exactly what you needed Aims.
I'm trying to talk myself into going to a Young Professionals happy hour tonight. I never really enjoy these things much, but I'm supposed to be trying to be more social. I just never know what to do at these things. I'm much better with board game nights, but they've managed to schedule nearly all of those for days when I was out of town.
Talk about missing the board game nights and see if anyone wants to get together and play more often
I always forget people's faces and end up trying to introduce myself to someone that I was just talking to five minutes earlier. And the number of drinks that I need to feel comfortable with this many people is greater than the number of drinks I can have and safely drive home. And I don't know what time to get there. If I get there at the time it says it starts, then I'm the first one there, and have to hang around awkwardly until more people show up, but if I get there late, then I'm walking into a crowd of people where the conversations have already started. And I don't know what food they'll be serving, so I don't know if I should eat dinner before going. And I know I'm going to want to leave early, because I hit the "too many people -- must retreat!" point after an hour or so, and then it's always awkward leaving.