I have so much admiration for you parent types. I find that super aggravating when it's the animals, and them I can lock in the bathroom if I want.
I rarely do that, to be clear. But I will admit that the dog has learned that "coffee time" means go away, we're not walking yet.
So work is closing at 4.
I called to tell them I wouldn't make it to work tomorrow at 5 am because the snow is melting and it's going to freeze and ice over. And there is a downhill S curve that when it freezes even 4 wheel drive trucks sometimes have trouble with.
My manager says "I made it in in my Honda." I wasn'tg sure how to take that because he lives in Hendersonville in a subdivision where it's relatively flat.
My brother is going to help me move my car on Tuesday so I can get to work on Wednesday and I think on my way I'm going to stop and take a picture of the particular curve I'm talking about in case there is an issue.
It is amazing how many decades it can take us to learn that lesson on self-defeating behavior. Some of us never learn!
Yeah, still working on that.
Fuck Cancer! My cousin, not even 30 yet, has testicular cancer. He was just married about a year ago, just bought a house, and he and his wife are trying to have kids.
Fuck Cancer. Fuck depression. Fuck PTSD.
Anyone want to write a paper for me? I can't brain and I have procrastinated on this and it is due tomorrow.
Project management. "you will write a proposal recommendation supported by key aspects of your analysis of the Global Infrastructure Group (GIG) situation. When writing the proposal, assume the role of a highly regarded project management consultant hired to review, analyze, and advise GIG on the necessary requirements for a comprehensive project management system that can be used in a global organization that develops small-, medium-, and large-scale projects. Your proposal should address the following key elements..."
Yup. Can't help you with that. Next time your paper is on Victorian literature let me know.
I probably could do that, but I won't. Sorry.
Fuck cancer indeed. I will say that my understanding of testicular cancer is that it tends to strike the young and generally has a good prognosis. I hope the latter is true for your cousin.
Can't help, Suzi, sorry.