dear jeebus, Steph. At least he called, and didn't muddle through it. Tons of heart~ma to your dad.
Woke up today, and really am in awe. Sharp pains are gone. Getting up from bed (any standing motion was the bulk of the pain) was pain free. I still have some basic aches. Which feels like "oh right, I did exercises yesterday" aches. I'm just in awe that my hamstrings were killing my back. And very thankful it was that easy to get on the path to right. So do your stretches, people! And thanks for all the concerns, and helping me figure it out.
Aleve does work on me, but not really if I need to keep doing things...better at night.
Tep, if your dad wanted to make you nuts on purpose, I doubt he could do it more thoroughly.
Chemistry is weird, yo.
Aleve works on headaches for me, with no side effects.
To be honest, ibuprofen makes me feel ookie but the pain/fear is enough that I can't be fussed about that right now.
Much ~ma to your father, Steph. And to you for putting up with him.
My headaches tend to be triggered by my neck, so Aleve works better on them than ibuprofen, but if I need to take ibu I usually combine one ibu with one regular Tylenol.
Aleve is naproxen isn't it?
Aleve does a wonderful job on pain for me, but unfortunately it also makes my throat swell shut.
Ah, well.
No worries, Teppy. I'm sorry you are feeling cruddy.
I actually had to tell one of my PMs to reboot his computer. He was asking me Excel questions yesterday and today he was complaining about it lagging and added that everything on his computer lags. Ummm, when was the last time you rebooted? Months ago, eh? How about you give that a shot?
Ummm, when was the last time you rebooted? Months ago, eh? How about you give that a shot?
Yeah, this is my students here too. "I can't connect to the show computer. My network pref's are wonky. Everything looks right. Blah blah blah." When was the last time you re-booted. "Oh, that shouldn't make a difference." Humor me. "wow, it worked. OK, thanks."
My favorite is when they get petulant, and holler how "well, it shouldn't be like that. It should work the way it's supposed to". Funny, I think that about the TA's too, but that doesn't get them doing the work right either.
t snerk
Unfortunately, "booting" TAs is against the law.