I postponed my therapy appointment. I just want to sleep in. I still feel like crap but it's less to do with being sick and more to do with anxiety and barely repressed..feelings. For a few weeks now there have been feelings swirling really close to the surface and I wasn't able to talk about it last week.
I almost broke down a few times at work. My next therapy appointment no matter what I'm bringing it up. The compartmentalizing is wearing on me. It's a different type , this is more I've acknowledged it and I'm waiting until a safe place and time rather than compartmentalizing to avoid.
But it has to do with taking medicine and so it's not making the current anxiety easier.
I'm using this to let off a bit of pressure until I can really let go.
That's what we're here for, Askye.
I'm glad you are letting off some of the pressure here, askye. You deserve a safe space in order to manage your anxiety.
Yay for nothing serious, Calli's sister!
We have more info on Arthur. Apparently bone marrow problems are a recognized side effect of one of his immune suppressants. So the dosage has been halved, and I think the idea is to wean him off that suppressant in time. Hubs and Arthur are also going to GA next week so Arthur can get a super-dose of stem cells. (I have to work, so I'm staying home.)
Also, it seems that feline bone marrow transplants are a thing. We're looking for a place that still does them. (Developed at U of Florida, and done for a while at NC State U, but not done at either place now.)
Much kitty~ma for Arthur!
Much kitty~ma for Arthur, Fred.
I do love Awesome Doctor, because when I finally emailed him to tell him I restarted both the BP meds and the Lexapro, and said they seem to be working, so if it's okay with him that I restarted them on my own, I'm going to need refills, he replied "You make my job easy! Refills sent to CVS."
I wonder what else I can self-diagnose.
Continuing the kitty~ma for Arthur. If you find treatment in my area we always have room for a guest kitty and parent(s).
Nice doctor, Teppy! I like when they recognize that some patients actually know themselves pretty well.
Yay Awesome Doctor.
So I've developed a congested cough and it feels kind of tight when I breathe. I went to cvs and the wait was about 2 1/2 hoirs. The other urgent care is closed today.
I forgot my phone and didn't think...I'll leave my number and come back. I just went home. I'm going to maybe take a nap and figure out if I really need to go or if I should just go to work for at least part of the morning tomorrow.