WS, sorry you're having anxiety attacks! Tis the season, I swear. I also am about to up my ADs in preparation.
I've been reading but no spoons to post. I'm taking a week and a half vacation starting Friday so of course work has been bananas. Work and Christmas is all I can think about.
BC, get well!
smonster, I hope things get better for you quickly, and your roommate falls into Fairyland and gets kept forever as a pet.
Steph, you'll be interested (maybe) to know that I also decided the itching from Cymbalta was intolerable and switched to Effexor. We'll see. So far no decrease in itching.
I love this community for so many reasons, not least because I can talk openly about my depression and anxiety and ADs and it's okay.
your roommate falls into Fairyland and gets kept forever as a pet.
Eesh. Do not piss off the Zen.
Steph, you'll be interested (maybe) to know that I also decided the itching from Cymbalta was intolerable and switched to Effexor. We'll see. So far no decrease in itching.
Dang, you put up with it a lot longer than I was willing to. I hope the Effexor works!
ltc is currently in her pack and play loudly demanding "Elmo".
The power of Elmo compels!
I've had an up and down day. Good thing, then annoying thing, then good thing, then annoying thing.
I realized I don't think I paid my premium for my new dental insurance. I thought I did but I can't find any evidence of it so I'm going to call tomorrow.
But one of the good things was finding out I have a credit at the dentists office so I only ended up paying $54 for my night-guard.
In more frustration news. I found out Mom's gifts aren't going to be here until after Christmas.
I found an awesome gift (and something I want too) on HSN. I tried to order.
I'm actually really worried I'm going to get a dozen of these things because I kept having problems and finally got it figured out. Then all my forms of payment were declined...even paypal. So I gave up. I still want it so I'll try to order after Chrstmas but this is just the capper to a really up and down day.
Well FUCK 2016. Found out that an amazing man who was very involved in CJ's search and rescue team and who mentored CJ when he was struggling has died. He was in Costa Rica and that is about all the information we have so far.
He was a man that EVERYONE on the team respected. He told you straight how things were and he didn't put up with any crap. He had been a fireman and had served in the military. According to CJ he had been shot, stabbed, blown up, and other assorted assaults to his person and has come out stronger. The main training he gave the team each year was on the kinesthetics of car accidents. His powerpoint presentation was detailed and, apparently, was something I was never allowed to see thanks to my issues with blood. But he could explain how each injury happened, what could have been done differently, how best to help the person, and every team member learned how serious their jobs could be.
I worked with him on a few occasions and always respected his knowledge and candor. I'm in utter shock. CJ was gobsmacked. I poured us each a shot of whiskey to toast his memory. We both want to go to any service/memorial that is held in his honor.
What a loss, to you and to your community. I'm sorry, Suzi.
I'm so sorry to hear of the sad loss, Suzi. Peace and comfort to the many who loved him.
I am so sorry for your loss, Suzi.