I just had an interesting call with one of my project managers. We had all those layoffs in November so the program manager for one portfolio of projects wanted to have the PMs contact all of the team members to get a sense of how they are feeling and plans for the near future. Basically, what can the program group do to keep our team together and if anyone is unhappy, what would help change that feeling.
I'm happy, I like the work I'm doing for this project, I'm continually challenged and have received lots of recognition for my work. So it was an easy call for me. But I wonder if I'm the exception or the rule.
So for the past few years my periods have been "irregular" for me - which means they've become really regular and slightly heavier.
This was how I realized I was in peri menopause. Four and a half years ago!!! Stop it body, there is no baby and there's never going to be a baby. Go away!
Just started and I'm in general ouch and ugh, not I'm not pleased. I even tried to eat a lot of donuts and feel better. Still gross.
Never could get the hang of them?
Pretty much. Friday makes sense: it's the last day of the work week. Wednesday makes sense, it's the middle of the work week. But Thursdays and Tuesdays? Nonsense filler days. And they both start with the same letter so it's wicked easy to confuse them.
I can't get the hang of being diurnal either. Body wants to stay up til 2 and sleep til 10.
Yep, that would be ideal.
My average on current schedule is try to get to bed by 2am so actually get to bed by 3am on non work days which is perfect for me. Since 70% of my work days lately end up being 2 hrs longer than expected (thanks forced short-notice overtime!) and those I don't get off till 3am, I can't keep to perfection on work days. The forced overtime days I don't usually get to bed till 4, but I also don't dither about, I get straight to bed once i'm home and have fed the cat.
My body has settled into a daylight schedule. Sun up, me up. Unfortunately this means I get sleepy very early in the winter. This was not the case most of my life where I was the night owl who loved to sleep until noon.
Laura, do you sleep in more this time of year because the sun does?
Yes, my eyes start to just shut on me. In the summer when I am in NY the sun wakes me before 5 and I am up late! In the winter in FL about 7 I start to think about the day being done. Craziness.
One starts looking approvingly at hibernation, this time of year. Dark dallies late in the morning, slinks in early in the afternoon, and I want to curl up on the couch and doze, until it's time for bed.
It looks like Currier and Ives out my front window. The across-the-street neighbors have their house decked out for Christmas, and the red ribbon-wound porch railing, the wreath on the door, and the toy soldier at attention beside the steps are all sugar-dusted with snow, and more is gently falling. I should dig through the dvds, find the fireplaces one, and pop it in the player. We have (soft) cider--I could heat that on the stove and add a few cloves and some cinnamon.
And in the side garden.