Pitch~ma for Hec, interview~ma for sumi, and car~ma for Suzi! I forgot about those socks! Holiday socks make me so happy.
Glad you feel better, WindSparrow. I don't know if you've tried sleeping with silicone earplugs, but I find them indispensable.
Is Nextdoor actve there?
Not sure. I can check. My new neighborhood sits on a boundary between super rich and pretty damn poor, so I don't know how much a market there is in my immediate area. I posted on FB about this kind of thing before, and all that came of it was stripping/sanding a table and hanging pictures for one friend. Which isn't nothing.
I won't say the car~ma didn't work, but just heard from the shop and OUCH. I need new rotors, front and back, in addition to new brakes, plus some other small stuff...so, almost $900. Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie. No more holiday shopping for me.
Ah, that's where that oil tank post went. I meant to post that in Natter, then thought I didn't post it. I blame the cold meds.
All the best outcomes, David!
Pitch the Hec outta that idea.
Man, I had my annual OB/GYN checkup today, and my doctor told me she has had an unbelievably huge amount of patients asking for IUDs (mine is due to be swapped out, too, so I'm jumping on that ASAP). Goddamn Trump.
Heading out for my first ever root canal (and hopefully last). Wish me courage. I am the biggest baby ever.
Heading out for my first ever root canal (and hopefully last). Wish me courage. I am the biggest baby ever.
Awww, they're not so bad anymore. Even when I had mine (back in HS) they assured me the process had gotten much easier. Now they spray anesthetic right down into the tooth. It's a little weird when they're working on it but it's not really painful.
Man, I had my annual OB/GYN checkup today, and my doctor told me she has had an unbelievably huge amount of patients asking for IUDs (mine is due to be swapped out, too, so I'm jumping on that ASAP). Goddamn Trump.
I called a couple days ago and tried to make an appointment to get one, and I'll probably have to wait until January.
I called a couple days ago and tried to make an appointment to get one, and I'll probably have to wait until January.
Yeah, my doctor said the office manager would call me in a couple of weeks to make my appointment. I don't know if it will be before the end of the year or not.