Enjoy the slounging, Connie!
I'm working on cooking and cleaning. Took everything out of the inside fridge including disposing of many unknown things, then son cleaned the interior, then I put it all back.
Now I am cooking cranberries and chopping veggies and doing pre cook prep stuff. Whee!
Still at work, (barely) working, but wearing my new Hillary Lipstick so I feel all capable and competent. Let's see if it has sufficient power to actually get me to motivated and accomplish-y.
Enjoy slounging and jigsaw puzzles Connie.
Hopefully Thanksgiving will be low key here. I don't know we're making dishes and taking it to my brother's. I have no idea how it will go.
My ideal Thanksgiving would be with some people having food and playing board games. But no one else in my family is really into board games. My nephew likes Fishopoly when he plays with Dad but that's it.
I'm at Mom's for the weekend! Soon I'll be making butternut squash soup, but for now I'm having tea and rice crispie treats. My inlaws didn't have anyplace to go. So, they'll be here tomorrow, and my grandfather will be here Saturday.
Ugh, askye, that sound like the best way to go.
And my boss just changed everything for next week again. At least I hadn't started really planning yet. I think he's trying to make stuff easy for me while he's gone but what's left is easy. Whatever, I'll do what he wants.
I'm home from work. I'll probably be working a bit on the weekend, but I can do that from the sofa. The hens are thawing in the freezer. Tonight I'll make the tart and maybe do some prep work on the sweet potatoes. But for now I'm walking the cat and trying to relax.
billytea alert! The Sydney zoo has some newborn puggles.
Excellent! Though I suppose technically they'd be new-hatched.
wearing my new Hillary Lipstick
Is it the Votre Vu in Spark? I bought that and put it on and voila, it disappears. It's the same color as my lips! Well, when they're flushed, so it's a really good color for me to have, but it was a surprise.
It's the same color as my lips! Well, when they're flushed, so it's a really good color for me to have, but it was a surprise.
Ah, the grail of "my lips but better" lipstick!
Is it the Votre Vu in Spark? I bought that and put it on and voila, it disappears. It's the same color as my lips! Well, when they're flushed, so it's a really good color for me to have, but it was a surprise.
Yes! Pretty much the same with me. I was worried it might be TOO pink, but nope, it's a perfect neutrally-hued pink. Looks great; I'm very pleased with it!