Suzi, I'm sure that Petco has dealt with dog bites before.
I'm working for their "smart" rival now and during training I heard several dog bite stories that happened to groomers,bathers or trainers. One bite caused permanent nerve damage. What happened was tramuatic for everyone involved but it's probably not the worst thing that Petco has dealt with.
My mouth/teeth/gums are still bothering me although I'm not sure if it's anxiety or an actual issue. Went by the dentist and have an appointment today. Went over to Old Navy for a jacket for work (has to be fleece, no hood and royal blue or navy) and then over to Target where I bought teh wrong type of electric toothbrush head. I have to take it back next week. In the mean time I'm going to find the right one online and order it.
Also have been emailing my uncle about the election ( he supports Trump and he is rabidly anti HRC and has some weird views on Obama) but I realized some of his sources are from Brietbart and I just .. deleted all the emails. I rarely see him and it's not worth my time.
Did spend quite a bit of time in therapy talking about the election and my fears, etc.
What happened was traumatic for everyone involved but it's probably not the worst thing that Petco has dealt with.
This is where my brain is now. In reading up on some of the county statutes, if someone is a professional working with dogs and gets bit, it is an accident rather than a bigger issue. Just, with all that was going on yesterday, I wasn't sure what applied because she wasn't acting as the dog trainer in that moment. So far no news is good news. Though, I'd like to hear from the vet.
I just .. deleted all the emails.
Sounds like a smart decision.
I feel physically ill with stress about seeing my Trump voting Dad tomorrow. I don't want to.
Can you get out of it? I can't imagine how hard that must be for you.
So I'm enrolled in ACA for next year.
Suzi I'm hoping of the best and that this falls under a professional working with a dog. If she was at the store she may have been on the clock without doing any training.
If we didn't go, my kids would be devastated as would my niece and nephew. We're going - I just have to try to contain my anger and sadness. Compromising myself, as usual.
I was thinking send the kids and feign a migraine.
I wasn't going to have to worry about politics over the holiday, but my inlaws didn't have anyplace to go, so they're coming to Mom's. Hopefully we can avoid any talk of it.
My philosophy with my right-wing niece (works for a right-wing lobbyist) has long been, "I won't start anything, but I reserve every right to finish it." Although if you go that route, you might want to pass the word through a third party.
Glam I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
My mom and brother have warned my dad. I believe my brother's words to him were, "DO not say get over it or move on unless you want it to rain fire." I've told my wife that if he says something offensive, I'm getting up and leaving the room and we will head home asap.