You know what sucks? When someone you interact with a lot turns to you to vent about stuff in their life, and you can see that they are making bad choices, but you know it's not your place to say anything, and they won't appreciate it if you do.
My new coworker has 3 kids. The middle one is being tested for autism, but in the meantime her issues have required that she be pulled from school and be home schooled. Both parents work, so the other one adjusted her schedule to be home 2 weekdays. The girl is thus alone for 3 days a week. On those days she does nothing but call my coworker so that he has to talk her down.
She's 11, so it's not like leaving a 6yo at home alone, but it's clearly not a good situation. And all I can do is put on my headphones when the phone starts ringing and then let him vent about it.
Yikes, that is not good at all, Volans. I'm hoping that he knows this is not a good solution.
Blech. Just canceled my classed for tomorrow. I can still barely walk, and now my hand and wrist are starting to feel a little numb, which I know means they'll be painful and swollen by tomorrow, which will mean that using my walker won't really be an option.
Stupid body.
Volans, that sounds like a terrible amount of freedom for that kid.
Hil, I'm sorry.
That sounds miserable, Hil.
Bodies are stupid, Hillary. Right now my jaw hurts so much I want to cry. Ibuprofen doesn't touch the pain. I'm wavering between an edible or Vicodin at bedtime.
Reports of those laid off are slowly rolling in. So far I know two of the contacts folks who are now gone. Both are excellent employees but the company is moving most of the accounting and contacts work to our office in Poland. I'm sure I'll hear more names tomorrow. I can do a company directory search on Monday.
Funny baby story: we were watching Empire tonight after putting ltc to bed, and we could hear her moving about. So we check the monitor, and she's dancing to the music in her crib. It was so funny.
She adores music of any kind. It's so funny. She'll stop whatever she's doing for even a commercial jingle.
My brain is so tired. I haven't been this brain tired since I temped as a court clerk. I feel more and more sure that I am going to be happy and confident in this job once I learn all the stuff I need to know. But in the meantime, soooo tired.
Please feel the love that I am sending out, I don't have what it takes to respond with words to each of you.