My lawyer friend is going to go a few more rounds with him, but friend is also the one saying I'd likely have to take him to court. Fee to file a claim is over $100 per claimant. At any time either party can take it to reg court for $400, so then there'd be no point. It could take me months of going to court god knows how many times. I'm trying to come up with ways I can be annoying enough to make him pay me without harassing him. Did I mention that ex-landlord is a lawyer, too?
Thanks for empathy. I've been crying on and off all day, and right now I can't seem to stop. I am making myself eat an apple and a banana in addition to Halloween candy for dinner. I just snapped at my boss over text and I don't care. I'm metaphorically biting my tongue to keep from snapping at him again.
I'm going to take a muscle relaxant and go to bed, hopefully before my roommate gets home, because I don't have the spoons to talk to him right now. I hope it will be better in the morning; it usually is, but my god, I feel AWFUL right now.
That's a lot of crap to deal with, smonster. I'm sorry.
Thanks, Calli.
Nuts! No really, nuts, I ate some trail mix, too. The fancy kind. Protein, yay.
Here's the skinny on small claims court here: [link]
Oh smonster, I wish I was closer so I could come and pamper you. Virtual snuggles, hair pats, and strong drink. May sleep be renewing.
Good news from my improv class: the fellow who had the seizure last week was accepted into the clinical trial at Duke! He goes down there in 2 weeks.
That is great news! I hope the trial exceeds all expectations.
Ex-Landlord of smonster: May your antiperspirant divert your feces from your large intestine to your sweat glands .
I bow before the Empress' smiting perfection.
smonster, you deserve all good things, and I dont know how to bend space/time to thwart all this badness and turn it into the good that ought to be there.
Steph, I'm glad to hear about the guy getting into the clinical trial. And I hope that the Cymbalta does good things for you.
I wanted to sniffle a little at work. D, the person who was the lead for years where I am now, has been so encouraging, telling me that she is so happy I took the job, that she knows I will do great, and that I will be there for the long haul, so she is handing over her "cheat sheets" of important info. I feel the kind of manageable overwhelmed that you do when you have an enormous task ahead, and you aren't quite sure how to do it all - but the feeling is directed at all the training I have to do to learn the job. So I also feel good that all I have to do is get through the training so I can get into the meat of the job.
That's great, Steph! If there's anything I can do to help on the NC end, please let me know. Profile addy's good.
WindSparrow, you're gonna be great!
WS, that's wonderful! You've got this.
I've been trying to wake up a little earlier than ltc and have my first cuppa and read until she wakes up. It's really helping with my anxiety. I need some quiet in my life so as not to get completely overwhelmed.