Just looked Mr. Armitage up. Yeah, he's pretty good looking. Not that I doubted Bitch taste in celebrity swoonage.
Maria, I'd sympathize but I saw on fb that you've heard! So instead I will say YAY!!
I'm home in New Orleans. Good vacation, but difficult. My brother blew up at me again today in the car on the way to the airport. He apologized and said he didn't know why he was so cranky on this trip. I think to some extent we redirect our frustration with our parents onto each other. It's just too bad that my parents' last memory of the two of us on this trip is snapping at each other in the back seat, and then icy silence towards each other as they talked awkwardly (we made up at the gate since we were both on the same flight).
Blah. I have some processing to do. Family, ISTG.
So, I'm in week 2 of couch to 5K and I've noticed something weird. Background - two weeks ago, I sloshed coffee over my hand. It was fine for a second, but then started to burn. I did the requisite antibiotic cream, ice, advil, etc. It was fine, no blisters, didn't even really hurt the next day. On Friday, the skin started to darken and change, and on Sunday after my run, I got a blister, just the one. I threw a bandaid on it and that was it.
The next week, the skin was weird, started to dry and flake (which is normal, as I understand). So, it's been peeling, and after today's run, it blistered up again. Anyone know why this is happening?
The next week, the skin was weird, started to dry and flake (which is normal, as I understand). So, it's been peeling, and after today's run, it blistered up again. Anyone know why this is happening?
I don't know why it happens, but it's happened to me before.
So, it's been peeling, and after today's run, it blistered up again. Anyone know why this is happening?
When I had a chemical burn on my wrist it did that. I'm not sure what's happening but the burn probably went deeper into several layers of tissue. Mine healed up and re-blistered three times.
smonster, I'm sorry about the fight you had with your brother.
Andi, you just hit everything I look for. Well done, my dear, well done. Guh.
Yeah, I spent four hours yesterday watching him in "North & South" (Britain during industrial rev, not American Civil War). And then I've rewatched at least half of it today. Absolutely gorgeous man. And then being reminded that he also plays Thorin Oakenshield, well, let's just say I am having intense cognitive dissonance over Thorin being so HAWT. Next up, I'll apparently be watching Robin Hood and wishing for the bad guy to win.
Vortex, I hope your burn continues to heal, whatever the heck it is doing.
Yes, I've heard. It's a go. I am out of hell. They gave me everything I wanted.
smonster, I'm sorry this vacation was so tough.
Vortex, I have no idea. That hasn't happened to me before, even with pizza oven and hot frying oil burns.
Yay Maria! Congratulations!
They gave me everything I wanted.
Ahh...what a NICE phrase to be able to write!
I am so glad you are out of there.
Vortex, could it be that the sweating caused more fluid to build up under some of the damaged skin, making it blister-ish? I think I've had something similar (hard to describe) happen before.