The only reason I agreed to it is that a weekly meeting to force people to discuss documentation is good. But 7am is not a time I'm pleased about.
I'm a morning person, and I'd have trouble focusing on anything productive at a 7am meeting. At 7:00 I can just about tie my shoes and ask Leifur, "Who's a good kitten?" (but not always remember the answer).
Thankfully, working from home means I can roll out of bed at 6:50, take the meeting call in my pjs, and then head straight back to bed for a bit more sleep. And my boss apologized for there not being any other time that would work.
ION, I emailed my agent, and she got back to me. Three more publishers have passed on the book, but the feedback has uniformly been
"Love this, it's clever and cute, it's just not for us".
There are still some big publishing houses we're waiting on replies from, and my agent is going to submit the book to some more editors on Monday.
t anxious writer is still anxious, but not as mopey
I despise my biweekly 7AM meeting.
I filled out my paperwork for my job. Monday I'll do more training stuff and then Wednesday start. I'm not sure what the "regular" hours are going to be but it's going to be early...I'm not sure how but really early for me. Like possibly having to leave the house at 4:15 am.
Although with the regular work schedule I'd have to leave at 6:00 ish.
I'm not really a morning person but recntly I've been getting up at 6 am so I don't think this will be too bad. I'll see.
At least there's that, Jilli. I do not underestimate the beauty of conference calls in indoor clothes.
I hate my 8:30 am biweekly. I have no room to complain though.
Congrats again, askye. I hope the training goes well!
And I think I just lost it on a thread on Facebook, on one of omnis posts... reacting to someone else's comments. Only thing going for me at this point is that I resorted to Firefly references rather than name-calling.
She's shown little interest in the Kong. I'm going to try different treats tonight.
Cheese bone!
Mom's poodle could be occupied for a loooong time with cheese shoved into a hollow bone.
2016 can fuck right the hell off.
That's three dead work friends since August.
Holy cats, Volans! I'm sorry to hear that.