WS, what Laura said. You're going to be great at this!
Super serious diet mode. Yikes I put it on the last few days of eating and sitting around. Walked my poor neglected dog around the park a couple times to get it started. She was happy, my back not so much.
I need to do this too. The recent weight gain is not helping with my pain or energy levels.
The demandy 'take care of MY feelings' spasm felt kind of bullying in itself.
Chillax lady. I have this. I always had it. Just didn't think I needed to pretend like it didn't effect me for your comfort.
I swear, this is the most annoying thing ever. Don't make your fuckup MY PROBLEM, especially since I'm the victim of it! Ugh.
Laura - that is some epic level bullshit. I am so, so sorry, love. People can be such asshats. Love to you, sweetheart.
Good morning, y'all. I'm trying to not hide from the beautiful day and wallow in my shit. Not sure how successful I'll be. I'm thinking maybe I should have worked today instead of taking it off.
Trudging through my Friday, but thinking I am going to run out and vote. That should help.
I'm sorry, Aims. We're here to distract you!
Much love and support to everyone. I keep trying to say more eloquent things, but they don't express what I really feel, which is that I want to wrap you all up in blankets and keep you safe from upsets and annoyances.
And in a separate post: Today's 8am meeting was actually useful, because it was with people who work directly on my product, and they're good peeps! Buuuuuut it lead to the creation of a weekly meeting: Monday, 7am.
The only reason I agreed to it is that a weekly meeting to force people to discuss documentation is good. But 7am is not a time I'm pleased about.
I swear, this is the most annoying thing ever. Don't make your fuckup MY PROBLEM, especially since I'm the victim of it! Ugh.
This is like an epidemic in my life sometimes. Since I'm the one who knows HOW to deal, I'm the one who HAS to deal. And to be honest...and present company excepted, of course {Buffista Men}, the fact that it came from a woman just knocked the wind right out of me.
Her whole thing was like the worst possible set up. I can't even express how bad that feels.
I'm sorry for everyone that's having a bad time right now.
A lot of you have seen pics of the new puppy on FB. She is a love bug, but my own issues have brought me to tears yesterday and today because I thought getting her used to staying in her crate would be easier. I can't work unless she's otherwise occupied or confined, and I can't leave the house, because she does not like to be out of sight of the humans. She's climbing the crate and chewing on the bars. I'm going to get bitter apple spray today.
I know she can sense my frustration, and I feel like such an ass for even articulating this. She's a puppy. And I'm already out of spoons.
Can you give her something like a Kong filled with treats or something else good to occupy her? My parents' dog, who is admittedly pretty happy in her crate, goes to it immediately because she knows a treat will follow.