I don't want to see ads or store decorations up until after Thanksgiving (yeah, good luck there).
There are assorted Christmas decorations and such in the CVS. I saw them today (when I was buying a Halloween pumpkin, because THAT IS THE CURRENT HOLIDAY), and I actually recoiled.
I fell asleep when the inlaws were here instead of going out. I didn't realize how exhausted I was.
Lovely to see you in this 'hood, Fay!
I fell asleep when the inlaws were here instead of going out. I didn't realize how exhausted I was.
The heart body wants what it wants.
I got home, and there was a note on my door from FedEx, saying that they tried to deliver a package, and it requires a signature, and that this was their third and final attempt to deliver it. I haven't been home much, but this is absolutely the first time that there's been a note like this on the door. Their tracking thing says that they attempted delivery twice before, and they claim they left notes then. And they can't leave the package without a signature.
By the way, it's a box of sanitary napkins.
Wouldn't want that falling into the wrong hands!
I made the mistake of letting ltc take a second nap today, and now she won't sleep.
This week is much too long, and has had way too many triggery things, and I don't like it. And I want to read a book on my Kindle app, but I can't find my iPad charger cord.
Timelies! Do people know Danny Bhoy, the Scottish comedian? Funny guy. I saw him on Saturday, but nearly didn't. I bought the ticket ages ago and had it pinned to my corkboard. That afternoon, I was watching the baseball game and puttering around my place, thinking, I'm sure there's something I'm supposed to be doing tonight.
Oh crap, Danny Bhoy!
Looked at my watch, 7:17pm. Looked at the ticket, 7:30pm. shitshitshit
Fortunately, I was beshowered and beclothed, so I dashed downstairs and hailed a cab, told the cabbie my dilemma. I'll get you there, he says, and proceeded directly into a big traffic jam caused by road closures for the Toronto Marathon, happening the next day.
Doomed, I thought. But we started creeping along, then made Victoria Street, then we were pulling up near the theatre. I prepared to fling myself out of the cab. Check the time, 7:30. Tip the cabbie and _saunter_ into the theatre ahead of half the crowd.
So he gets started with his act, and there are three empty seats right in the front row. Danny says "I wonder if those people are at home, thinking, I'm sure there was something I was supposed to be doing tonight. Maybe we'll pop in a Danny Bhoy dvd!"
Maybe they did.
I have had similar experiences, John. Especially the 'I _know_ there is something...
How nice that you made it. Was it as good as you hoped?
I thought I had dealt with my shit from my childhood (and teens and 20s and and and), but apparently I have not.
Well, you dealt with them for the earlier stages of your life, now you're dealing with how they affect this stage.