The drive-in was a success! Emeline made herself a friend in the next car and spent the majority of the evening hanging out with her new VERY BEST FRIEND!! Camille. Joe was cranky at first - especially when I was just giving orders about what needed to go in the car without explaining - but he got into it and we had a good time.
I also took a drunk dial from my brother. Who seems to have the amazing talent for making me feel better. He said he was proud of us for all of the hard work we've been doing in finishing school, improving our marriage, getting the house in such good shape that someone else just HAD to have it. He also pointed out that in order to receive shitty news, you have to be in a good place, otherwise it's just the same old bad news. It made a peculiar kind of sense to me and made me a bit weepy. He said that while yes, he remembers the big upheaval in his life (and our sister's) when our parents moved them from suburbia to Land of the Rural (and also the change from heavily diverse to Whitey McWhitey Town), but what has stuck with him was how hard our parents busted their assess to make that happen, and that's what Emeline is going to remember - that we tried. And "not working out" is not the same as "failure". My brother is amazingcakes, y'all.
It's funny, though. He and I never got along when we were younger. Our sister and I were inseparable. And neither of us got along with our mom under the belief that the three of us are too much alike, personality-wise: emotionally-driven, stubborn, always right, feeling all of the feels all of the time. But as he's gotten older, he's become more like our dad: supportive, cheerleader, wise, introspective. Our sister has become more like mom: negative, depressive, cynical. So I have found myself driven more toward Nick. And it's the reason that Joe and I decided that in the event of our untimely, yet sure to be full of flare and showy-ness, deaths, Nick and Amanda would get Emeline.
All of which is to say, my brother said he is proud of me and to not feel too badly about losing the house because, in his words, "That wasn't your house. Fuck that house."
He was also adamant that we go do something vacation-y, as a family, to reward ourselves for all of the hard work and to relax before the craziness of the school year starts (I start student teaching in the fall, Emeline starts her new school, Joe might be going back to finish his Bachelors). So I think the 3 of us are going to head out to Lake Michigan for a couple of days.
Thank you all so much for your support and counsel. The past few days have been ... harrowing and full of badness. But you guys have been my light. I've missed you so much.
And with that, I tell you with this joke as told to me by one of my Girl Scouts.
How do you get 4 Pikachus and 5 Oshawotts on a plane?
You poke 'em on. I admit: I laughed my tukkus off.