I don't know any divorce that is fully amicable. At some point each person needs to become who they are as an individual instead of who they were as half of a pair, and that doesn't always sit well with the other. Still, it sounds like you are facing it clearly and being a great mom at the same time.
I have 3 huge monitors and an open office plan. And very understanding teammates.
Jessica, it's really good to see your pixels.
Glam, the schools are polling places but don't shut down on election day?
Nope, but they do have a 2 hour delay. Before this election, it wouldn't have pinged me at all. Sad times.
Aims, good to "see" you and all good wishes headed your way, my friend.
Yeah, the carpet's been changed and the God Awful wallpaper border is down, but in its place is soothing paint and a neat texture treatment someone learned on that flip it show with that couple. And the familiar comfy chair is in the corner and a pair of super porny pants hanging in the closet. And the kids are bigger and the marriages and relationships are changed. We're all looking a little changed, too.
This? This is what triggers allergies? Im trying to be calm, collected, reasonable, and cool, and this is what flips the waterworks? Hells yeah.
{{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}}
*unless hugging makes you uncomfortable in which case I will merely squee and clap my hands in your general direction*
That made me laugh like a drain.
I could use an ass-with-both-hands audit day some weeks.
Omg yes. This.
Today I am missing all motivation, but I didn't get much work done yesterday either.
So good to see all of you who are back!! I feel like also I don't want to post on fb multiple times a day, whereas here that's fine
It's so great to see the pixels of people who've been away. I missed you all, and it's good to catch up with you.
It's like a family reunion!
Oh! It's not really dancing, but the teacher (who is a big name dance person) used me for her demo at the end of class, and the girl I'm crushing on sent me a video, so y'all can see me too!