Mom and I are struggling with the getting used to living together. Part of it is realizing, for both if us, that sometimes the main area will be used and the other person will have to use their bedroom.
Mom likes shows with medical procedures and she wasn't watching them or would switch the TV if I came home or something but I'll disappear during that.
I need to get better about going out wHulett she's home so she'll have time.
I just tried to talk to the hopeless guy who's been hitting on me for a week on FB about how to get girls.
What is up with sad dudes and their awful private messages? Do not like. And there's something about me(as well as the chair, I suppose. Sigh) that my profile pic might as well have "LOW HANGING FRUIT" written on it...that is flattering as fuck. They don't even try.
And to think I thought for half my life about being hit on, and when it finally happens, it's a dude wanting to sit in my lap in my chair.
Ugh. I made an OK Cupid profile, and I keep getting messages from guys in Pakistan who tell me they like my breasts. I'm actually kind of curious about these guys -- like, how long have they been trying this, and how many more women will they message before they realize that this is a be strategy?
Rocket J. Squirrell "Does that ever work?"
Someone tell me not to buy the cool dress that is a little out of my normal price range, but not unreasonably so, especially since I just bought new shoes and am trying to pay off my credit cards.
Oh, I am SO the wrong person to help you with that, Vortex.
Vortex, let the dress go. It does not meet your goals right now. The time will come when you have need of a new and glorious dress - in the right time, the right dress will come to you.
And if your heart filled with dismay when you read this, then you know you really DO need it.
I'm also not the person to tell someone not to buy something.
My whole house smells like caramelized onions because I cooked them in the slow cooker overnight. It was a new experiment for us, and it worked perfectly.
I just called out TCG's aunt on facebook for mom shaming. I'm probably going to regret it, but I'm so sick of this shit. No one can be 100% present all of the time, especially when sleep deprived, and the internet and smart phones are not the pinnacle of evil.
It's so weird lounging around on a Monday like it's a Saturday.
I do have an interview tomorrow - so interview-ma for tomorrow will be much appreciated.