So, re: my facebook announcement about work: I am - in theory retiring but actually have been the victim of a three year campaign to get rid of me. My pension isn't enough to cover my rent - so I will be looking for another job and a new place to live.
I must say that my initial reaction to "the intent to Discharge" what's been relief that it's going to be over and I don't have to deal with these people anymore.
Oh sumi! Sending so much ~ma for an opportunity that is a perfect fit. That seriously sucks. How long were you there?
This stinks and I am sorry.
I worked for the university for more than 20 years.
I wish there was some regard for that length of loyalty. I'm sorry.
That sucks, sumi. I hope you find somewhere else more worthy of you.
I am in a freak-out spiral about all of the things I should be doing, like packing, and I was so stressed I took off work today but I have not gotten a lot done, and I just remembered something else I have to do, so I'm doing that now, but it involves the phone. So many things involve the phone, and when I'm like this, talking on the phone to strangers is the last thing I want to do.
And I think, worst-case scenario, we'll get someone to pack everything, but then I feel lazy and self-indulgent, and all of this just leads to me on the couch watching another episode of super-hero TV.
I'm sorry, sumi. I hope you find something better, with more congenial people, soon.
And the guy selling us carpet in Dallas just asked if I knew his cousins, the Millers. SERIOUSLY?
Oh, Sumi, I'm so sorry. I can only hope that being away from what sounds like a horribly negative environment will be freeing for you.
I'm not allowed to buy any more geeky t shirts. I finally reorganized my clothes today and the amount of t shirts I have is insane