Coming form a family who moved a lot AND had money issues, I say don't go on the trip but still camp. Set up a tent (borrow one from a friend if you have to) in your backyard. Cook over the firepit. Do crafts.
We had some REALLY cheap vacations when I was a kid and all I remember was the fun.
Okay - this is really funny. I totally though "persona non grata" meant "person not around". I didn't mean to say I thought I was unwelcome. Glad to know I am!
I need a house AND a dictionary.
Scrappy, we have all the camping stuff - we got it for Christmas. Maybe there's a really close campground we can go to. Debet suggested a day-long trip somewhere as a family.
I agree with maybe doing a day trip, or somewhere closer. Then you'll still get the vacation, but won't be as stressed about it.
Oh, Aims, that's so stressful.
I'd cancel the camping trip. You should turtle down on money, right now. Mental health is going to have to suck it up. This camping trip could cost you a couple months of living loose with family or whatever. Time to get very conservative about cash.
I'm so sorry.
Oh and Aims, I'm not as sure as everyone that the vacation is right if you think it isn't. My advice would be, if you can afford it, follow your gut, and MiracleMan's gut. I don't know that the rest of us know as well as the two of you how the trip is likely to interact with your emotional state (MMs as well as yours). (I'm taking it for granted that you won't take a vacation you cannot handle financially.)
We Love You
Just because it bares repeating. You are well loved.
I recall having campouts in our back yard as a kid. Granted, I was a lot younger then Em is now. But still had lots of fun. If you have all the gear, I say pop tent in the back yard. And if it rains, or the squito's get bad, you can always make a dash for the house.
Aims, I'm so sorry, what a kick in the nuts.
Aims, so sorry to hear about the really crappy news today. I don't have any good advice, I'm just thinking about you guys and wishing things would ease up for you.
Aims, you've gotten active in a local church, haven't you? Do they have any kind of bulletin board, email list, anything of the sort? My parish doesn't hesitate to post notices on our board, Google group and even the weekly bulletins putting the word out when someone's having housing difficulties; it's a community, we don't want anyone to be forced to leave, and you never know who might know someone who knows someone who has a place. If your church has anything similar, post a notice -- maybe something will turn up that's at least kind of local, so even if you have to move you have some continuity and Em doesn't have to leave her school and her friends.
Ugh. I'm just so, so sorry. For the stress, and the upset, and all the work you guys put into the house, and the endless struggle with so little forward motion to show for it.