the job market has changed a bit in the last 18 years.
Look, I realize I'm NOT going to have a new job by next week (chief among the reasons is that I don't even have my resume together). I'm just saying how my lizard brain is making me feel about it. Two different things.
Take some time to decompress. When you're ready, we'll get your resume and cover up to speed. No worries.
Schedule the down time.
I don't know what your usual schedule is - -but I can say that friday and Saturday - bad days to look at craig's list.
Do those one or two things that niggle in the back of you mind ( go to the gym more often , clean out that closet, explore new ways to cook) Things that you will not be able to do when you go back to work - but will be things that are taking care of your self and positive.
Start tellng yourself stories- so when you you walk into an interiew you have answers to those questions - when did have a coflict with a co-worker and how did you solve it? how did you deal with a difficult client? what do like about working with a team? what is the worst thing about you last job....
and when you decide on down time - Say - I need an hour at least , but I might need an hour I will decide...
But mostly I am glad to hear that the worst of the anxiety has passed.
I actually have 3 lists going (the theory being that I will do at least one thing from each one every day): (1) shit to get myself employed; (2) shit that needs finished for the wedding; (3) adequate self-care.
I am coming up woefully short on the list for #3. Partly because "walking the dog/going to the gym/doing yoga" is on my list of non-negotiable stuff, like brushing and flossing. [Edit: what I mean by "self-care," I guess, is more than baseline stuff of eating fruits and veggies and personal hygiene, etc. Stuff like...go read a book on the front porch. Or go to the neighborhood pool for a couple of hours, since it is summer.] But I am lousy at self-care, because my jerkbrain tells me that it's self-indulgent bullshit that I don't deserve.
I totally have to clean out my closet and dressers, though. And -- holy crap -- the bookshelves. (I also have a list of stuff that needs to be cleaned, which is basically the whole house. Stupid baseboards. How do they get so dirty? I don't mean dust; I mean actual filth. I am looking at you, Kato.)
Hah--whereas my first thought was "don't do too good a job on those to-do lists lest he get liking the idea of a stay-at-home wife!"
"don't do too good a job on those to-do lists lest he get liking the idea of a stay-at-home wife!"
If we could live on just his salary, I would not be in a hurry to get a job. Totally true.
Ah... but new cooking ideas - can also take care of Tim.
ditto dust reduction and stuff reduction
hair and wardrobe are job hunting stuff
now back to mememememe
Today is my morning off. Usally i go to the coffee shop, grocery store do a little scrubbing somewhere. Today I am hanging with the elctricain. which meant getting dressed fo r work early - I can't really clean becaus e - work clothes. so all I can do is poke at the computer , read or watch tv. Please some one tell my brain not complain. I don't care that there are drill noises , radios and singing comming from the garage. Really, it isn't a horrible way to spend the morning
Man, Suzi, I don't know how I'd deal with that if I were you.
Coming in late on this, but I would also be one of those people going nuclear if someone did this to me and one of my kids. In fact, I kind of want to send Kbug a WTF email (I won't, of course, but I kind of want to)