I enjoyed Maureen Johnson's tweets about the baby wait. Anything that has the Dowager Duchess shooting at helicopters from the hospital roof and Prince Phillip vs. waves of Jillifonts is way better than anything CNN will post. [link] (starting about 10 hours ago)
In other news, I've been smelling death for days. When Mom was dying, the hospice nurse or Dad set up a heavy air "freshener" that put this particular, strong, fake spice scent over everything. It's totally associated in my mind with dying. And for the last several days I've been smelling it everywhere. This morning I googled "olfactory hallucinations," (could be head cold, could be brain tumor) which didn't help.
Anyway, tonight I was looking for something in the bathroom and the smell was really strong. I did my best bloodhound imitation and traced it to the bar of soap on the sink. It was from a gift set, and when lathered up it has a nice, non-morbid, spicy scent. But after it dries, the perfume--on the soap or on my skin--turns completely to death scent. And since I was sick last week, I've been extra careful about washing my hands. I've been washing in what my not-so-subconscious considers the smell of death and it's been making me crazy.
The bar is now on the other side of the parking lot. My hands smell like lemon verbena. I'm tempted to empty the contents of my BPAL collection into the air ducts to remove the last vestiges of the death soap from the apartment. Ugh!
I'm glad your day went better than expected, smonster.
Wow Calli. They say that sense of smell can be tied to memories really closely. Sometimes more strongly than sight.
Oh, god, carnations and most species of rose smell like death to me. And the ring tone of one of my supervisors is identical to the ring tone in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. I twitch a lot when he's slow to answer his phone.
The summer seems to be doing in my mind. While many parts of my body are annoying when sweaty, nothing irks me more than sweaty shins. They're out in the air and the errant breezes, but they're still sweating.
Smell is so strong with memory.
I'm going for aroma~ma for you Calli. How disconcerting.
Royal baby - well more pleasant than most of the news. And the baby weighed the same as my Bobby so that was cool.
As a mother of sons, I would be beyond thrilled if my boys selected a spouse as well suited to them as TCG to sj. Seriously, what more can you want than your child's happiness?
So tired. Well past my bedtime. Crazy busy day. A bit of calm tomorrow would be nice.
As a mother of sons, I would be beyond thrilled if my boys selected a spouse as well suited to them as TCG to sj. Seriously, what more can you want than your child's happiness?
Laura, I wish I could give you a hug right now. You are just such a lovely human. Also, co-signed.
Calli, thank heavens you figured it out! Smell-triggered memories can be super powerful for sure.
So tired. Well past my bedtime. Crazy busy day. A bit of calm tomorrow would be nice.
Oh hey, co-signing Laura again. Did an hour of work but it's time to say good night to the internet.
Good night, internet.
And Suzi, that goes for K-Bug's bf. May his ungrateful ass find enlightenment soon.
Thanks but I'm feeling even more Monster-ish this evening. I have tried to offer him the opportunity to discuss his desire for an apology. I told him I was available until 6pm cause I had a meeting this evening. I didn't hear anything from him so I sent him a text saying I didn't know what to make of the silence but the ball was in his court. "I don't want to discuss anything until I get an apology". The "conversation" devolved from there and as much as I didn't want to have the talk in text, now I have documentation of him being an imature ass.
To top it off, CJ is now upset with me also. K-Bug and bf gave CJ a rifle for his birthday without asking me or his father about it ahead of time. I was so shocked when it was gifted, I didn't say anything. Tonight I told CJ I didn't like him having it and he turned it into the only reason I don't like it is because I don't trust him. It is more how the gun came into the house than anything. I haven't seen my boy in tears since he hit puberty and yet tonight...
I don't know. I'm just...grrrrrr. Vacation can't come soon enough. I want to run away from my life.
Nobody gives your kid a gun without your permission!
Sorry, CJ, but you're fucking wrong. Sack up and save your tears for something worthwhile.
And what the fuck, K-Bug?
Jesus, Suzi. They're wrong. You're right.
Honestly, I would've been fucking in K-Bug and boyfriends face about that. There would have been yelling. And banning. And yelling.