I'm rather encouraged. I talked with her hubby and he sounded worn out but positive. I got her care package in the mail. It ended up with a pink fluffy boa (to brighten her room), some unscented lotion and chap stick (for comfort), a grown up color book (low tech entertainment), colored pencils (to improve her color), a pencil sharpener (to keep her sharp), and a butler bell (for prompt attention). Plus a get well card.
I will be able to see her in a couple of weeks, at the end of our road trip.
Going home that soon after having stents placed is standard procedure. It's invasive, but not even remotely like a bypass. She'll need to take it easy, but she can do that at home -- and will probably be much happier taking it easy at home versus the hospital anyway. That's great news that the procedure went so well!
I'm sorry that buffistas have the experience to provide me with such information, but I'm grateful for you sharing the information.
Glad to be the scout on this trail, maybe I can be the only one to take the trip.
Yay, Suzi's cousin!
Mom didn't come here this week because it is too damn hot, and as a result I almost forgot to volunteer at the library. Luckily it is very close to the house and I remembered in enough time to get there 5 minutes late.
I'm glad your cousin's doing ok, SuziQ.
Visiting with my mom in NoVa for a couple days. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and called for Nico because I wanted to pet his comforting furry softness. Alas, wrong bed, wrong house, wrong state. No purrs for me. Why is it that I miss my stupid, smelly, jerky felines more than people?
I'm glad to hear your cousin is doing well after her procedures, Suzi.
My sister is still in the hospital, waiting for surgery on Friday. Ai yi yi! I really am just so tired of family members getting sick. For the past two years it's been uncles, so at a remove, but my sister being sick is much more upsetting.
~ma for your cousin, Suzi.
Steph, they are kind of treating y'all like crap, but without the "kind of." You are the farthest thing from mercenary that I can imagine.
Job~ma to erika's mom and life~ma to you, erika my dear.
I'm up because pain. Think I'll eat a snack and maybe read. Tomorrow is going to suck. (For those not on fb, I slipped a vertebra or something in my upper back. Missed work, spent the day on back on Flexeril, can't afford to miss another day, blah blah blah...)
Oh, Burrell, ~ma for your sister.