Oh, excellent, Le N! They are certainly not cheap, but the attendants have never looked exasperated at me, and only stop giving me bras when I wear out, not when they decide to wrap things up. Just shallowly, I agree with the person who said--that $90 bra will make your $20 tops look much better than a $90 top will look over your $20 bra. But that's after comfort and posture and chest meat that loves you back for treating it right. From your shoulders to your waist will thank you.
It's to the point now that I'm a bit flummoxed by bra shopping without sales clerk help. I can't even remember the name of the place my sister recommends because they fit her 32/34 E-H with pretty bras for not much money, but I couldn't find a salesperson at all. What? Choose bras myself? I could be here forever!
But thank god bra makers everywhere are starting to make bigger bras prettier. That cutoff line used to be really low, and the costs really steep to avoid looking like you're nursing quadruplets (and why shouldn't they have pretty bras to look at? It can be boring down there). It's not perfect, but it's better.
Yay chest meat!
Ugh, so many meetings and so much undetermined, I bet, Tep. I hope you can get good use out of the calming meds you got from the doctor.
Shir, I also think of it as that crashing silence after a loud blast. It's not comforting in the least, your eardrums are still rocking--but it's a start. Once you acclimate to it, it will be much better than the previous block of suck.
2 weeks. That's really quick. Wow.
Clean up what you can, Steph,and let the rest go. You have other things to deal with. Very glad you hane health care through the end of the year, it makes things easier.
Yeah, the health care thing is awesome news.
I hope you can get good use out of the calming meds you got from the doctor.
I am indeed.
Yeah, the health care thing is awesome news.
It really is. And it leads me to believe they'll be equally generous with severance. (Which our ridiculous finance guy keeps referring to as a "sales bonus." This is not Glengarry Glen Ross, finance guy. I move words for a living. I don't sell things.)
Tim would have courthouse-married me before September if we needed to put me on his insurance. But now we don't have to, and I admit I'm glad I only get one wedding.
Great news about the health care, Steph.
ita, as Laura said, I actually find the knowing comforting. Now it's just learning how to live one day after another, instead of surviving from one weekend to another. And there are good sides to this.
So I'm now back at my place in Haifa, in the German Colony (meaning, really beautiful houses), five minutes from the port, watching the last moments of sunset with the roofs of the buildings of the neighborhood and the heavy machinery of the port in the background. And that's fantastic.
So I'm now back at my place in Haifa, in the German Colony (meaning, really beautiful houses), five minutes from the port, watching the last moments of sunset with the roofs of the buildings of the neighborhood and the heavy machinery of the port in the background. And that's fantastic.
Sounds like my place... well, except for the German Colony/nice building part. It's amazing how relaxing it is to watch the sun set.
As for your stress after the stress. I'd think of it like a concert. You go, you rock out. You think nothing about how cool/great/loud it is while you are there. But when you leave, and for the next couple days, your ears are still ringing. Each day (hopefully each hour) it diminishes. But. You still feel it for a little while. Not the best of analogies, but there it is. And on that note, folks, when going to concerts BRING EAR PLUGS. If you have to scream to your buddy how great it is, then the PA is too loud. A little public service announcement from your sound guy. Protect the ears.
Shir, I think it's more along the lines of, life can move fast. It sounds like you do triage really well. Deal with the stress as it comes, sort it immediatly, tackle it, move on. But now that the battle is done. Your brain is starting to catch up on all you've done. You didn't have time to second guess. To over analyze. So, your brain is doing it now. Just remember, you can't change the past. Learn lessons from it? Sure! Change it. Not likely. So as your brain is processing it all, make note of the lessons learned, and let it go. Don't stew on it. If it helps, maybe write down the lessons, so your brain can think "ok, it's written down, no need to keep this on the surface anymore". Kinda like taking notes in class.
Askye, Hope the apartment hunting went well!
Steph, two weeks is fast. But the health insurance for the rest of the year is great. Really helps with the job search, and with pre-existing conditions, and stuff. I hope the cash is equally generous, especially since you've been there for, what was it? 18 years??
As for doing the archiving, or whatever it is. Dude, if they aren't hiring you, and they are only giving 2 weeks to wrap up 20 years of publishing. Clearly it's a low priority. Do what you need to do. And be done with it. Don't think a second thought about it. They made the choice. They need to live with the consequences.
So I think my landlady's dad just showed me the apartment to be nice.
So it's back to the drawing board.
Steph, I'm glad about the benefits. I hope the severance is as equally generous.
ASOS carry some good brands of bigger bras and are cheaper than buying bras here. I don't know if I'd buy a bra w/o trying it on, but if there's a brans and style you know and like, it's a good deal. In fact, there's a sale on now, and I am kicking myself for not looking before my size sold out. [link]