Askye, tons of anti-cancer~ma for your dad.
Erin, {{{ hugs }}} if you want them. You've had a really stressful past few days. I do hope you can get some mental rest on your days off.
In me news... 33.5 hours in 3 days. Friday, we had all of 25 minutes break. Who knew dance tech rehearsals could be so looong. 130 skits. Each with it's own sound cue, and over 690 light cues. And microphones. Not terribly difficult, by any stretch of the imagination. Just... the endurance part of it is where ya run out of steam. Like a Marathon. You think, "I can run, no problem". Then you see the finish line is 26 miles away... eh, you get the idea.
On top of that, last week i took the car into the dealership. My neighbor noticed a fresh spot of fluid under the hood in my parking space. I figured I hit the speed bump wrong and scraped the oil pan or something. Nope. Seems my transmission is leaking fluid. And they have to remove it to fix the seal (or whatever it is) that is causing the leak. Part is only a couple hundred bucks. Labor? Yeah, that's $1500. Given that the a/c is busted, the indicator to tell me headlights are on, isn't working. The little blinker light that flashes in front when you unlock the car (but isn't a turn signal indicator light) keeps blowing... yeah, I'm thinking it's time to upgrade. Which sucks. So, tomorrow, I'm going to attempt to buy a new-er car. Not happy about the prospect of car payments. But, I did get over 10 years, and 150,000 miles out of this car. I will miss her. Drove her on Route 66! But. I fear she will turn into a big money pit real quick here. Best to get rid of her before my account is drained, and use the funds to upgrade. Wish me luck, that the under $10k Prius is still on the lot and that I can get financing.