Definitely try to grab them, meara. Not weird at all.
In Gray Cat news, this cone thing is horrible. He can hardly eat, I'm not sure he's getting any water, he's knocking over and spilling everything, and worst, he's scooping up food and cat litter with the damn thing and carrying it around through the house. The thing is already dirty, I don't want to think how filthy it'll be in six days. Or how much crap will be spread around my house. He keeps thumping the cone into walls and stuff, and it throws his balance off so he's falling when he tries to jump. I can follow his progress through the house by listening to the bashing noises. He's really being a good patient, though, except for the anguished wailing. I think I hate the cone even more than he does.
I'm sorry about the cat cone problems, Zenkitty. Is there a way to elevate the water so that the cone can go down around it? Or would he just spill it from a higher starting point? Poor thing.
Yesterday began with some tiresome nonsense at work that started at 7:30 (I usually start at 8-8:30), before the caffeine kicked in. But it ended with an evening with my book group, where I got to discuss Georgette Heyer and play with my favorite baby. And this morning I'm wearing a skirt that hasn't fit since I bought it, two years ago. So things seem to be on an upswing.
Zen, look for one of these in Petco or the like: [link]
The extra small fits cats and is much more humane.
Seconding that. Much less traumatic for you both.
Pix, that looks good, but will it keep him from rubbing at his eye? It doesn't look like it would. Or would he just not be able to reach his paw around it?
Not that he is trying to rub at the eye at all. And he's still managing to bash his face into things. Given that his method of self-soothing is to rub his face on things. Not sure how much good the darn thing is actually doing.
Sorry for fretting so much, y'all. Fretting is what I do best.
And Windsparrow, sorry for your travails! Sounds like a DAY.
Thanks! It was a Day, indeed. However I kept thinking, "Later on, this is going to be really funny. No wait, it's pretty funny right now."
aw ... poor grey kitty. Although your being able to track him by the sound reminds me of a college boyfriend's roommate. He was SERIOUSLY nearsighted and you always knew when he was wandering around at night (without glasses) by the sound of (bump) "ouch, dammit" as he bounced off the walls.
Not the same thing but,
Darby gets up for a big drink of water about 5-10 mintues after my light goes off. Every night. I guess it's her own little bedtime ritual. I had no idea how much I subconsciously listened for the sound before falling asleep until she was staying at my sister's or somewhere so I didn't hear it. It made me oddly anxious until I reminded myself why.
When Koogie had a cone, he would go to his preferred dripping faucet, stick the cone under the edge, then lick up the water that was gathering inside the cone. Then empty the cone into the sink. However, he'd keep catching the cone on the edge of doorways and get stuck and kept pushing rather than move over a couple of inches.