Anyone in the regular exchange who did not yet receive a gift, please email me.
'Conviction (1)'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2012: If the world doesn't end, I'm going to need a note
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. 2012--better luck next time.
amyth! Awww, amyth. Thank you, so much. Such a wonderful package, and I'm only sorry it got me so long to get to it - it's been waiting for me for at least a week.
So amyth gave me a very appropriate merit badge, and a fantastic purple scarf. And a bigger-on-the-inside bag, and a beautiful bracelet. And a CD by an artist I'm not yet familiar with but will be soon, and a marvelous - absolutely marvelous wood bookmark, with an eighth note carved on it. Absolutely beautiful. Attached to all of these there was a beautiful card.
Thank you so much, amyth. I feel so lucky to have been introduced to this board almost five years ago. This gift exchange is only a small reminder to all of the things, in wisdom and and experiences I got from being here - and as much as these exchanges make me incredibly happy and grateful for knowing people from all over the world, I cherish the everyday of posting here, whenever I can post here regularly.
So as corny as it might sound, thank you for being yourselves.
Shir, you know I've kept those candy tins on my windowsill and every time I look at them I think of you? Now you do.
(Okay, I also think of candy. But also you.)
Aww, P-C. laughs. Thank you.
I really did get so much from here. And I love you all. And hi, that merit badge will get on my (newish) bag, right next to that snowflake I also got from here.
Hooray, hooray! I'm so glad that you got the package, and that you liked the contents!!
I don't know if the musician is to your taste, but I know that music is very important to you, and it was recorded outdoors, just a few miles from my apartment. So it should give you an audio taste of North Carolina.
I love that you liked the merit badge. I saw it and I just had to buy it.
What was the merit badge for?
Being Awesome? (if so, there should be a lot of them distributed around here)
It was this one: [link]