I am *so* proud of Good Stuff. The Buffista Tumblr that could. It's on the links page, right? Right?
I keep sending co-workers links from Good Stuff. It makes them happy.
The "shit my fandom friends say" tumblr only has 6 followers. But since it's pretty much an in-joke thing, that's fine. For the GCS tumblr, I think I want to do a giveaway when I reach 10k followers. (The idea of which FREAKS ME OUT, but I know it's coming.)
I'm pretty skeptical about the urine-powered generator myself.
I'm guessing this is more sophisticated than peeing on a tiny waterwheel. That would work, but it wouldn't produce much energy.
Pundit Shaming
I'm a fairly terrible political pundit, but even I never felt very nervous about Romney actually winning. It sounds like there must have been some sort of common belief on the right that 2008 was a complete aberration.
It sounds like there must have been some sort of common belief on the right that 2008 was a complete aberration.
Yeah. A chance to make history by electing a black president = high turnout of minorities and the young.
They assumed turnout of minorities and the young would go back down after 2008.
not to mention all of the racism that gets under people's skin and makes them more resistant to overt voter suppression techniques.
I'm SAVING ALL MY PEE and I'm having my home DISCONNECTED FROM THE GRID and if it doesn't work IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, JESSE.
I'll send you my pee, if it helps.
t note to self: buy more ziploc baggies
I was supposed to take Bubba to the vet for shots at 12:30, and then at 11:55 the cleaning woman (who normally comes around 2:00) rang the door bell.
Bubba doesn't like the door bell, or the cleaning lady, so now I have a new hole in the sofa innards, and a 8:00 appointment on Saturday.
On the P4 scandal, the Onion remains the nation's finest news source [link] "Nation Horrified To Learn About War In Afghanistan While Reading Up On Petraeus Sex Scandal"
I can't even laugh at the Onion. Their headlines are just too on point.
Poor Bubba. Poor sofa. Poor Lee.
I have traded my cane in for a quarterstaff, just so you all know.
fandom friends say
Linkish, Jilli?
My ideas on majority rules in tax-supported public schools are perhaps draconian. But when it comes to anti-vax and creationism that my taxes support by law, and that my kids are subjected to (you know, when I had school aged kids, go with me here)? I can't in conscience welcome one peanut-allergic munchkin to a school of several hundred and demand they all Silkwood shower before first class to make sure no fibers contaminate her or his school experience. You don't innoculate your kids? Your kids don't come near my kids. You don't believe in science? It's home-schooled for your kids.
How did stuff get so crazy? Inclusion should be an implied bargain that those included take what steps they can to not put the majority, or their education, at risk.
(me, shaking my quarterstaff, looking like Gandalf)