Wait, no--I
have an incest kink. Would that make inviting Javier Bardem for a foursome creepy?
There was a funny Supernatural fic (well, no the fic was harrowing, it was a funny *bit*) where their life was made into movies, and RDJ played their father, and he was actually in the story.
I will marry Aldis
That man smells amazing and is crazy polite every time I've run across him. Hell yes, you marry him. And his arms.
I've given up on trying to duplicate the pineapple/carrot/raisin muffin from near work,
I was out in the field today and everyone at the firm was recommending the sandwich place downstairs -- does your place start with S-P-E?
OMG, I'd have to C ASH! Which would be sad. But I'd F Levine and M Aldis for sures.
How insane is it to be contemplating applying to grad programs in the UK with one of the major reasons being that UK schools don't require the GRE?
I really wanted to apply for grad programs for next fall, and I kind of completely forgot that the GRE was a thing, and I would need some serious, serious time and effort to be able to get a non-laughable score on the math section. Like, basic algebra sends me into a state of panic.
I'm still completely torn between two completely different fields of study, but this math thing is throwing a further wrench into my plans. I had thought about the UK initially because even though their international student tuition is more than some US schools would be, the majority of Master's programs are only one year, so money would probably be saved in the long run. And now this GRE thing makes it even more appealing.
Dang, I missed 2 days and 300-some posts to grading. That sucked. But grading is almost done, so yay. Small yay, then bed.
GRE prep is possible. I have taught people how to prep for the GRE math section. I think you should not get overly anxious about it.
Take a prep test COLD. See how you do and then start working on the areas on which you need to improve. BTW, there are some grad programs that do not require the GRE.
Also, if you are planning a master's in engineering, the math GRE is obviously important, but I am pretty sure the poets and such discount the other side of the score. (And vice versa; I am sure many of my husband's PhD student colleagues bombed the verbal, especially since many of them were not native English speakers.)
zuisa, a friend of mine is getting his doctorate at a school in the UK right now for similarly not obvious reasons, and it was an excellent decision for him. I vote not insane at all.
What subjects are you torn between? Because I am curious.
There are certain aftershaves that make me think of Stringer...I want to sniff him and see if I was right. Maybe he'd believe it's a Southwest American custom?
Erika, that made me laugh really hard.
I am still on my adrenaline rush from last night. Or, more properly, getting back to the office re-started it. So I finally got everything I needed "for COB" by 5:30, worked my magic, hit send at 5:50... and then saw that the next bus was arriving in three minutes. So I ran out, without waiting to make sure the email went through, dashed home, pilled the cat, packed a bag, ran back out again, and made it to my parents' at 6:45. Made dinner for me and my dad, watched a little tv, went to bed early because I could not deal. Did everything in reverse this morning, and of course as soon as I left last night, other people found a couple of minor errors. I think it's all fine, but dag.