I really wanted to make one of these Blake Shelton
See, if you wanted to make it really hard for me, you would have made one Adam Levine.
F = Idris Elba (rowr)
C = Tom Hardy (sorry, Tom!)
M = Jeffrey Dean Morgan (I don't know WHAT ita is talking about. Crazy woman.)
I'm sorry, Tom's a nice bit of what what, but me and a shoe fetishist are really just a setup for disappointment. I'm much better at faking not hating dogs indoors than presenting shoes correctly, and IDRIS GOD FUCKING DAMN YOU ARE THE SEXIEST MAN THAT KNOWS HE IS SEXY IN THE WORLD.
I am not coherent on those three, but only T-Hard makes me nervous.
Talk about whiplash--I watched fifteen minutes of reportage on John Carlos and his book that's going into paperback next month, did my standard '68 Olympics crying ("the" podium gets me even when I think I'm braced) and then...this: [link] I don't care how tight she is with Serena, that's just got baggage all over it, and I NEVER LIKED HER ANYWAY.
In news of distracting things, I want to make a favicon for provocateuse, and I just want it to be a nice P. Does anyone have a suggestion for a font with a nice P that will look decent at 16x16 and 32x32? Typography wonks, you're my only hope...
Yeah, IE is really sexy. He made me all "What's a little heroin?" and his American accent is mind-blowingly perfect. I thought he really sounded like that, for the longest time.(Not that there is anything wrong with his daily voice...it just amazes me that some people can do that.)
There are certain aftershaves that make me think of Stringer...I want to sniff him and see if I was right. Maybe he'd believe it's a Southwest American custom?
Timelies all!
Took Gary out for dinner. Went to a nice upscale Indian place near Dupont Circle where we shared a number of appetizers. Nom.
F = Tom Hardy (and take plenty of pictures to bring out the next time he starts backpedalling from prior statements about his sexual experimentation)
C = Jeffrey Dean Morgan (I've heard rumors of poor treatment of crew on the SPN set, although apparently not to fellow actors)
M = Idris Elba (I don't think I really need a rationale for this choice)
I suppose THard would not think too much of my Earth shoes or my Docs, but I know Colin's got my back on the Earths, so I won't stress about it too bad.
What's the name for it when you're hiking and the trail goes back and forth instead of straight up to ease a steep incline?
Yes! Thank you! Brane has declared itself done for tonight. Which is too bad since I have a couple of deadlines tonight.
It's funny now that I look at the lyric line that was supposed to go in, because I knew it: there was "pitch" in there as internal rhyme, but I could not turn it up. Thank you, and if I win a million dollars, I will give you co-writing credits.*
* a million dollars is not actually one of the potential prizes.
a million dollars is not actually one of the potential prizes.
Damn, there goes my co-writing credit!