This pineapple Chobani, however, is decidedly nom. A shade sour, but the pineapple flavour is great.
Oh good, I just bought some of that. I also love the blood orange. And the TJ's pumpkin.
TJ's mango/apricot is just weird though. Not in the good way.
Very nice! Getting flowers is great.
Talked to the vet, and he basically said to let Homer hang out as long as he seems to not be in a lot of pain. So I guess I will. At this point, I think it's harder for me than for him, so I should try to get over that a little bit. I mean, he's sitting on my lap right now! Which I guess is a good sign. He also said they can generally get people in for euthanasia within a day, so I don't need to worry much about planning that. Will try to get a grip and also a good night's sleep, which I did not last night, which of course doesn't help anything.
But first, choir.
Snuggles instead of hugs to Homer.
Yay for flowers, and happy birthday!
And...I just got a massive headache. I hope that the yoghurt's not a trigger, but I will need to test it again. Much closer to an ER visit next time, though.
Speaking of headaches, here's an app that lets you compare relative frames-per-second animations, up to your monitor's refresh rate (mine tops out at 60). I'd poke at it more when I didn't feel a hair's breadth away from spontaneous epilepsy.
I am looking forward to the day next week when I can expect to NOT be wearing clavamox.
I got a really fabulous birthday dinner last night here: [link]
So glad the winner was Camino! I love that place. Also, my cousin thought you were "rad." Happy Birthday (again!)!
Oh, Homer. I am glad you're getting in some good laptime now, Jesse. xoxo to you both.
Skipping to ask what age range is A Wrinkle In Time good for? Is 7 too young?
Skipping to ask what age range is A Wrinkle In Time good for? Is 7 too young?
Probably a little too young, but it depends on the kid.