askye, we really liked the roku. It was a great addition to our "entertainment array." Unfortunately, the one we got had no off button, so when we switched modes away from it to the dvr or the PS3 (for blu-ray), the roku stayed on all the time. After more than a year, it became unreliable. We replaced it with a Sony media player, which accomplishes the same tasks, but has an off switch. We like it as well as the roku--better actually, since it's been more dependable.
I know the roku has quality and price levels, and we had what was probably the lowest tier one. But the Sony was about the same price we paid for the roku.
I think he'd like most of it except not having access to college football.
You can often get special sports packages. I know there's one available for Major League Baseball.
In essence, with a Roku you start to move towards a more a la carte experience with your TV instead of bundled cable packages.
Is eBags the place people like for laptop bags?
Maria pointed it to me for various bags, and I've been happy with them (and their return policy!) Lots and lots and lots of choices.
ANZAC biscuits with candied ginger are a success. I need to up the ginger or at least more evenly distribute it. House still smells like a sugar butter bomb. Or butter sugar bomb. One of the two.
My day was...well, after I first posted, Loki struck and there was catnapping until noon. Because who can resist a purring cat sprawled across your torso (he's that big) with a paw resting against your cheek? But then I cleaned upstairs, hit Atomic Books, got overwhelmed and only bought one present, swam and made cookies. All the while riding a sudafed high, which I kind of hate, but was necessary. I don't have an infection, I just have this stupid mild congestion that sometimes needs to be beat with a stick. Considering it went away completely in AUS, I'm thinking it is an allergy to various things.
I really don't like sudafed's side effects, but I hated the wheeze worse.
sure. what kind of laptop bag are you looking for?
Today was quite productive. I baked 4 batches of cookies (3 different recipes) and boxed up some. Then I addressed all my Christmas cards but they probably won't go out for a day or two. I also finished wrapping the kids prezzies.
Still to do - Wrap up, box, and mail prezzies that need to be mailed. -Copy the holiday letter that will go in some of the Christmas cards (I figure, if I'm friended with someone on FB, they have their shot there to know what is going on in our lives).
Oh, and come up with not just a Christmas prezzie for K-Bug's bf, but also a birthday present - his birthday is the 23rd. He isn't a reader, he has a major dvd collection already, and no other bright ideas are popping into my head.
Speaking of bags--who recommended Baggu to me? I've had two cashiers in the last week compliment them--I think it's at the point where they realise much more can go in to one than they thought. The Ralph's cashier asked where she could get one, and the British store lady (the one at Santa Monica and second) coos over it every time she sees it--even though Santa Monica has ditched plastic bags, every time I've been there with mine, I've been the first that day.
Which makes me sad, because it's really not hard. I do wish I hadn't lost all my Baggu pouches, and I keep failing at my plan to keep one bag food-free for books and clothes and stuff, but they are much easier to carry than paper or plastic, so they're always the right answer.
Which reminds me--my sister needs more mesh produce bags.
I love my Chico Bags, because the pouch is attached. [link]
Wasn't me because I use Envirosax but I thoroughly endorse the practice. I have one bag in my purse at all times. And I've not be gentle on it. Love it.