The weather channel tells me it is crabfest in sf. Go eat crabs everyone.
The BIDs are somewhat knocked down this morning. I decided if I don't like it I have to f'in do something about it. Mini aerobic workout this morning and then part one of a long walk. I have stopped for water, coffee, and meetiong up with a friend.
mmm. crab
I am catching up with the Colbert Report, and the first scene with Andy Serkis and Colbert is one of the most adorable things I saw all week.
I had crab salad (with canned crab) yesterday, does that count?
Seems early for crab feeds, I associate those with New Year's.
Right, Lee? That interview may be my favorite of the week. Also featuring Sir Ian's cameo.
Huh, I would think that Keith Richards name alone would be sufficient.
First I would go for champagne with Stephen, but such a tough choice because I would also love homemade eggnog with Dad, hot toddies with 4 Bobs I have loved in my life (my nephew, first DH, and 2 dear friends). It is easy for me to list a dozen or more immediately, and booze comes to mind in almost all instances. This reveals a number of things: First, I am old and have lost way too many loved ones, and second, my loved really loved their alcohol.
coffee: My Colbert queue is quite full. Must add watching to list.
I can't think of a person and a drink. There are people I'd like to know how they're faring, and people I suppose I'd resurrect, but nothing feels like having a drink.
My run of good treatment at the ER has been broken. Dr. Goldfarb is the guy who swears he witnessed my adverse reaction, and he was willing to keep giving me small doses at long intervals, so I called a stop to it and am being admitted. Don't know when, though. The conversation was over an hour ago, and the pain is still the same doozy it peaked to yesterday.
Ugh, I'm sorry, ita. I hope being admitted goes smoothly (and soon).
That Johnny Depp album story has me earwormed with Leaving of Liverpool, but I don't really remember the verses so I keep circling back to the "when I return united we will be"(clap clap clap clap) part. It's a good thing there aren't any humans around to be irritated by my humming and clapping.
Good on you, msbelle.
Which reminds me! I got my Christmas present early this year: the new fitbit one! It's awesome, if sobering. I'll be anxious to see what it says about my actual regular routine, but over the holidays it definitely told me my activity levels were lower than what LoseIt had been estimating for me. I think the integration could be a tad bit smoother, but I'm pretty happy with it.
And anyway, that's the info I need to know if I want to have the right results. And I lost, even over travel and the holidays and eating funky and sporadic workouts, so it's apparently working. I worked out this morning, so I hope to be back in the normal routines now that I'm home.
So I forget who all has the fitbit. Can you guys friend me? I'm kprinkle over there too.