Great Lakes Burning River is from the Brewery near-ish to my parents. Or one of them.
Yesterday, when I got home, the nurse told me she was certain that Grace had a UTI, call the doc, get a script.
So I took Grace to the doc today. No UTI. huh. Fancy that. We still got a script. For sulfas though. I don't know if Grace is allergic, but the doc gave me all sorts of warnings. Then I pointed out even if she went into anaphylactic shock, we have a solid airway. And he laughed and agreed. Ahh the bonus of a trach.
Now I wish had gravy and biscuits. But alas, I don't. I do have ambien or champagne which I could have with cranberry juice.
That's it! Home of the flaming absinthe.
I think I'd like to talk to all of my grandparents as the adult me. I lost 3/4 of them by the time I was in high school. My last grandmother died when I was a junior in college. I have a lot of the stories, but not enough.
Or my Aunt Carol and lots of red wine. She was a keeper of the stories, and I do regret not getting up to LI more frequently when she was alive. Because she was dad's coolest younger sister and supposed to live forever. And then she didn't. And that last visit was pure RIGHT THERE NOW. One of the best things I ever did, and yet one that shouldn't have been remarkable.
I haven't been there yet! I ... have barely left the Caesar's Palace complex, yet.
I ... have barely left the Caesar's Palace complex, yet.
Bellagio is right next door! And it's super nice to walk around in it!
Yeah, I don't think I ever did leave the City Center area last time, even with the trams.
I would also like to spend some time with my paternal grandmother, beverages either tea or vodka, her choice. But first choice is always gonna be DH. Sorry, Babushka! I think she'd understand.
Ooooh, one of the first places I always visit in Vegas is Bellagio for the their amazing floral displays in the main lobby. Always a stunning treat.
Bellagio is right next door! And it's super nice to walk around in it!
I'm going to to that tomorrow! I've been in usability design conferences 8+ hours a day for almost a week and getting up way earlier than I'm used to - I'm amazed I've been with it enough to walk around this hotel.
They have a really cool bar at the Bellagio that's on the first floor (towards the back). And a chocolate fountain. And the Chihuilly (sic?) glass in the lobby.
It's unlike the other hotels I saw in Vegas in that it's really like wandering around an exceptionally large Italian villa where you happen to be a guest.