I'm catching up on TV from last night, and was amused (and yet surprised it took so long) when on Scandal she said
"I'm just feeling a little Sally Hemmings/Thomas Jefferson about all this!!"
Hah. The show is fun, though. And while I didn't like last night's episode of Grey's all that much (kinda boring, don't care about the new interns), I do still appreciate that I could point out to my roommate the many times it passed both the Bechdel test and whatever any sort of minority-Bechdel-test might be called.
I didn't care about the last crop of new interns, either, until I did! They did a good job of bringing some in. I just wish Shonda Rhimes knew how to write people out of shows without killing them off.
Jesse, she wrote Burke off, didn't she or did he die too?
Why do ombré sequined Ugg boots exist? Why?
t /questions brought to you from Las Vegas
I thought he just left for another hospital after Christina didn't go through with the wedding? But lord knows, I've forgotten half the drama that happened the first several seasons. Bombs, shootings, brain tumors, etc etc.
Jesse, she wrote Burke off, didn't she or did he die too?
No, I don't think he did. Or Izzy, or Audra MacDonald on Private Practice. But still -- the number of people who die on those shows is extreme.
Izze didn't die (that's not how it's spelled is it?) either, I don't think.
I kind of like the sound of those, Jilli. I have what I'm sure is a shameful fondness for Uggs, and sparkly Uggs especially.
I have what I'm sure is a shameful fondness for Uggs, and sparkly Uggs especially.
Shame on you! Not since Aimee came out as a Capri fiend have I felt such a fashion revulsion!
Actually, I kind of like capris with the right outfit.
I kind of like the sound of those, Jilli. I have what I'm sure is a shameful fondness for Uggs, and sparkly Uggs especially.
Well, then Las Vegas has the Uggs for you. In multiple colorways at the store, but tonight I saw a woman wearing a pair that shaded from blinding silver to gray to lavender to purple.
My exciting Friday night in Vegas? I'm already in my room in my pjs, and I'm going to work on my story for Yuletide. Because a week of getting up at 7:45AM plus the tumble I took today means a quiet night in is exactly what I need. But tomorrow morning(ish) I'm going to head back to Max Brenner and have brunch with hot chocolate espresso and booze.
Not since Aimee came out as a Capri fiend have I felt such a fashion revulsion!
Gauchos. Aimee likes Gauchos. Which I still say are wronger than a wrong thing, but if she likes them and they make her happy, yay.