I was wondering at the idea of proselytizing Jews. It never struck me as something where they were actively pursuing recruits (unlike Mormons, who practically offer signing bonuses), but couldn't think of a reason why they wouldn't be.
Jews don't proselytize. The general belief is that converts should really want to become Jews -- traditionally, they should be turned away three times, and if they keep saying, "No, whatever you say, I really do want to be Jewish," then you know they really mean it.
Jews don't proselytize.
What's the term for the people who first ask if you're Jewish, and if you say yes, then proselytize you?
then you know they really mean it.
Whereas Mormons can twist a "Well, it does sound kind of nice" into a commitment to wear the mystical underwear and pay the tithing.
What's the term for the people who first ask if you're Jewish, and if you say yes, then proselytize you?
edit: I'm not a fan of any religion that attempts to convince you that you need to change the way you relate to the divine. That's between you and whatever mystic entity you perceive.
the mystical underwear
It wasn't until after the election that it even occurred to me to image-google the mystical underwear.
I was a little disappointed it wasn't more mystical.
I was a little disappointed it wasn't more mystical.
there are some holy symbols embroidered in various places, but not a single one of them has a red S on the chest.
Well, Romney's may have.
I know, right? It sounds like something that might be kind of awesome and yet, not so much.
I enjoyed the semi-scandalized discussions about times when Ann Romney was probably not wearing The Garments.
Poor Homer is shaky on his legs tonight, which I weirdly hope is from a seizure today, because that should mean it gets better through the night. I'm starting to think next weekend will be It, though.
Suela, there's no way, right?
I have wine. And chips.
Well, I don't know...it magically lets me decide that the mission boys aren't that cute.
That's kind of mystical.
Aw, Jesse, sad about Homer!