Seriously, there's a reverse-hypochondria where you go to extreme lengths to deny there's anything wrong.
I've mentioned the time my mom waited until evening to call me for a ride to the hospital to have her chest pains checked out because she didn't want to bother me at work, haven't I?
Latest report from the front lines: my mother wishes we would all die in hell.
Oh, and she thinks the food isn't very good and the portions are too small (and doesn't get the joke there).
who would she complain to and/or about if you were all to die? Then she would be really miserable..
Poor thing not being able to enjoy anything.
I think you should die before you go to hell--take a tip from the Winchesters.
I'm surprised this isn't a Wikipedia page
Of course it is:
Good morning!
Speaking of Sarameg's dad, I'm having more trouble driving than makes me comfortable. But by the time you're halfway there...
Yeah. Start less.
Oi, 'suela. At least her complaints are about having to stay there, as if maybe that is finally sinking in? (I'm making this up as I go along, with fingers crossed for you & your family).
Latest report from the front lines: my mother wishes we would all die in hell.
And if that's not possible she intends to make this life as hellish as humanly possible.
Tom, your Asperger's link is broken.
Asperger's to be dropped form DSM.
They're going with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
I wonder how that will affect diagnosis and, more importantly, insurance and ADA requirements.
Ugh, we have had 2 couples cancel for our work party on Saturday. We are down to 79 people, which is just over half of what we invited. I hate empty parties.
I wonder how that will affect diagnosis and, more importantly, insurance and ADA requirements.
I suspect not very much - all this does is to bring the DSM up to date with current medical practice. Asperger's has been a lay term only for a while now.