Both reality and fiction are choking me up today. And my cubemate seems to be fattening me up for some nefarious purposes. Fried pork crackling--low glycemic? Don't care. Tasty, but won't eat much.
Jamaica is getting its first pork store soon. My sister is beside herself (all the better to eat more pig).
Be well, Sister of Burrell.
Matilda had a successful ice skating playdate with her friend Norah yesterday and is safely tucked away at B&G Club for the day.
Shortly I'll be hauling Emmett back to his mom's but first we'll swing by Noe Valley Bakery and get a couple loaves of cherry chocolate bread.
I can't decide which is greater, my disinterest in eating what I brought for lunch, or my disinterest in going all the way outside to get anything else.
eta: the real problem isn't going outside, it's that I bored with all the food choices out there too.
Most of my office is at a picnic. I elected not to go because a) it's as hot as balls and b) I don't have kids. I think this means I get to go home early, right?
Okay, I'm only vaguely aware of the Hannibal fandom (and I have not watched the show) but I cannot figure out what the flower crown means. Anyone?